
Showing posts from August, 2019

Documented Testimonies: Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Serving God, Highway to Greatness! Before I joined this commission, my life was beaten and battered. We were living with someone and the future was so unsure for me. During a WSF Empowerment Summit on May 29, 2014, God's servant said to us all the cell ministers that "if your cell do not replicate by August then you have failed".

DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES - Monday, August 26, 2019

LIVING FAITH CHURCH WORLDWIDE Inc. COVENANT HOUR OF PRAYER DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES Monday, August 26, 2019 Breakthrough in Business via Engagement in  Kingdom Endeavours! “Two years ago, I realized that I needed more time to serve God. Hence, I jumped at the ‘opportunity to leave’ when the multinational company I was working for decided to downsize. All I needed to do was to obey and align with delight to every instruction from Him and His servant, Bishop David Oyedepo; just like the moon aligns with the sun to reflect its glory, I shall begin to reflect the gifts and ‘graces’ upon His Servant, Bishop Oyedepo.


  * No one in your lineage will be branded a beggar. The end has finally come to all financial trauma in your life today. * In the name of Jesus, no one under the sound of my voice today will end up as a proverb and byword. The cloud of Glory is moving, please move with it. * Today, God is turning everybody's mourning into dancing. Let me hear your loudest Amen. * In the name of Jesus, you and your generation after you will never know lack. You're coming out of any situation hanging over your life right now. As you keep giving out to the needy, you are giving your way to new realms of financial fortune(Job 29:12-13). Can I hear your loudest Amen!!! * No landlord here will become a tenant tomorrow. No giver today will become a beggar tomorrow. * Giving is not throwing. I don't give, I sow with biblical discretion - my first priority is tithing (which is God's priority to secure my blessings against the wickedness of the wicked). * Everything

Documented Testimonies: Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday, August 24,  2019 1. God Of Bishop Oyedepo Has Restored My Family  For the past 25 years, I have been praying for the salvation of the soul of my husband who has neither stepped into any Church nor accept Christ into his life. Any moment I returned from Church, he shuts the door against me; telling me to go back to the Church and sleep. 

Documented Testimonies: Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday, August 23,  2019 1. Kingdom Advancement Endeavours Pays! I was severely stagnated and was given a notice to quit my apartment. Also, although my business line is highly lucrative, I had nothing to show and couldn't meet up with my basic responsibilities.  I engaged in the waves of Kingdom advancement endeavours; praying Kingdom advancement prayers and giving transportation seeds.  I also rededicated my life to Christ. I continued with my Kingdom advancement endeavours particularly praying Kingdom advancement prayers at any given opportunity.  I prayed for the establishment of our new converts and new members. Then, suddenly, the Lord blessed me with a fantastic apartment, a fantastic car, a new office and a miracle marriage. All these took place between the months of June and July 2018.  God of the liberation mandate has confirmed the word of his Servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, in my life.  I give all the glory to the speaking and doing God who is forever

Documented Testimonies: Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday, August 22,  2019 Serving God Pays When the Wonder Double agenda began in 2015, I plugged in and started engaging in soul winning and praying kingdom advancement prayers and God has done the following for me. Firstly, I got a job in September 2015 and expected to be confirmed after six months with the required benefits. But I was confirmed without the organisation meeting all the expected benefits. However, I kept engaging and the Holy Spirit told me that God cannot be cheated and I was promoted in 2017.

Documented Testimonies: Wednesday 21st, August, 2019

Wednesday, August 21,  2019 1. Supernatural Deliverance My husband met with Bishop Oyedepo on Tuesday 8thMay, 2018 at Sango under bridge. My husband who has never been to any Church came home that same night and told me that someone called on behalf of Bishop Oyedepo telling him to come with his family to the Church. The following Sunday, for the first time after many years of our marriage, my husband led the whole family to the Church. Three months ago, I stepped on a strange object and it resulted into waist pain and swollen legs. I have tried all manner of solutions from all places but all to no avail. 


LIVING FAITH CHURCH WORLDWIDE Inc. COVENANT HOUR OF PRAYER DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES 19th – 20th August, 2019 Monday, August 19, 2019 1. Kingdom Advancement Prayer is the Winning Key I am here to return all the glory to God for His faithfulness, steadfastness and mercies. I had been stagnated on my job for 7 years and I was very desirous for a change of story to move into a managerial role. I took 2 weeks off work to focus on kingdom advancement endeavours (give transport seeds and also promote the welfare of my converts) and afterwards, I got a new role to manage a team in Nigeria. God indeed had been faithful, and it had been from glory to glory. During the course of the year last year, the sector I work in had a very great economic hit despite several hits in the last 9 years and I told God that the restructuring was going to work out for my good and with a promotion inclusive. I give God all the glory that during the harvest season, God elevated me during the r

Documented Testimonies: Saturday 17th August 2019

4 YEARS JOBLESSNESS REVERSED I have been jobless for 4 years after my Masters degree. I have always prayed for myself concerning a job, but at Shiloh, I heard all over again about Matthew 6:33. I saw testimonies, I heard testimonies and I have also read testimonies concerning kingdom advancement prayers. And see how it works!!!!  In year, I joined engaged with every instruction, and the Holy Spirit told me to pray only for others and concerning my own requests, I should only give thanks which I obeyed.

Documented Testimonies:Friday 16th August 2019

Healed via Prophetic Declaration! ‘For twenty-eight years, I had chest pain and this stopped me from going to church. I had spent so much visiting hospitals and orthodox medicines but the situation remained the same.  However, some sisters invited me to this Commission and for the first time, on June 2, 2019, I came to church. While Bishop David Oyedepo was ministering, he kept saying, “The siege is over!” and I claimed it. 

Documented Testimonies:Thursday, 15th August 2019

Supernatural Transformation!    “Shortly after our marriage, my husband lost his job, and feeding became difficult for us. In one of the services, the Bishop said we should sow a seed to increase the number of chairs in the church, because there were four services then. I sowed a seed of six hundred naira (N600) for a chair. In one of the services, the Bishop also said very soon, we would hear stories beyond our imagination. I believed it.

Documented Testimonies: Wednesday, 14th August 2019

Miracle Job Through Engaging The Prophetic Word & Soul Winning I have returned to give glory to the God of this commission for confirming the Word of his servant in my life. Since I passed out from the Youth service about a year ago, I have been believing God for a job to no avail. To the glory of God on the Covenant day of Open Doors service, it was declared that “somebody is going home now with a miracle job in his hands”, the word hit me, and I immediately knew it was for me, I held on to it and the following day I made so many copies of my C.V and credentials and started distributing them to any office I see in town. 

DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Tuesday, 13th August 2019

Miracle Job via Kingdom Advancement Prayers! ‘For three years, I was out of job. However, when Operation by all Means was flagged off, I engaged and prayed kingdom advancement prayers. I also followed every instruction from the altar.  On July 31, 2019, I saw an advert. I applied and was scheduled for an interview the next day. When I got to the organisation, I met six other people for the interview and for the same position. Then I prayed and told God to prove Himself if truly He sent Bishop David Oyedepo to liberate the world.   I was the last to be called up for the interview; in less than fifteen minutes, I was done and given the job. I return all the glory to God’!  – Oduola Lanre Richard Goods Released via Prophetic Instruction! ‘When Operation 615 was flagged off, we engaged on the field and prayed kingdom advancement prayers. We also engaged with our resources and assisted people to church with our car. We also assisted student to pay their fees a


ANOTHER WOFBI PROGRAMME IS HERE AGAIN ENROL AT ABEOKUTA LEARNING CENTRE WINNERS CHAPEL QUARRY ROAD, ABEOKUTA. It is a 2-Week Intensive Programme 19TH AUGUST - 30TH AUGUST 2019 . This programme is for all Church Leaders (Ministers of the Gospel, Church Workers, etc), Church Members, Men and Women from all walks of life who desired a more impactful and result oriented Christian experience.

DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES 6th - 9th August, 2019

LIVING FAITH CHURCH WORLDWIDE Inc. COVENANT HOUR OF PRAYER DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES   Tuesday, 6th August 2019 1. Free From Unknown Disease Before joining this commission I had a growing lumps on the left side of my neck & shoulder which caused me severe headaches and pain from the left side of my body and from my legs to my spine.  After joining this commission in October 2018, I went to the clinic & was given antibiotics to take for 7days and if the lumps didn’t disappear I must come back for further tests.  I took the pills for 2 days and disposed them on the 3rd day. I told myself I am not going back to the clinic and I committed myself fully to this commission going for outreaches, engaging in kingdom advancement prayers and serving in the sanctuary unit.  After the blood of sprinkling in April 2019 I felt a weird sensation on my shoulder and the lumps and the pain disappeared. Ever since then I stopped experiencing any pain including per

DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Monday, 5th August 2019.

LIVING FAITH CHURCH WORLDWIDE Inc. COVENANT HOUR OF PRAYER DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES Monday, 5thAugust 2019 10 Years HIV Positive Turned Negative Via Kingdom Service I was tested HIV positive since 2009, I started taking drugs in 2016 and I became very sick, with low blood, short breath, swollen glands, kidney problems, headaches, arthritis and others. I joined this church 21 st September 2018 and I have never regretted since I joined.  The theme of the month I joined was I WILL RESTORE HEALTH UNTO YOU, I keyed into it and was serving God day and night in the church.   When operation by all means was flagged off by Papa, I dived into it, praying and going out to win souls day and night. 

51-Year Chest Pain Disappeared!

“I participated in all Kingdom engagement during the last two phases of the Wonder-Double outreaches. I brought 45 souls into God’s Kingdom, participated in the 21-day prayer and fasting and other church activities. Also, the Holy Spirit led me to enroll at the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI), coupled with prayer and fasting. As the Bishop ministered during the Impartation Service at WOFBI, I felt a light beaming at me. So, I closed my eyes and focused on the Bishop. When he instructed us to take a shot of the anointing oil, I did. Thereafter, I started feeling uncomfortable and wanted to go to the toilet. When I got home and visited the toilet, I excreted a black snake-like object. I had to call one of my converts to witness it. Thereafter, I noticed that the chronic chest pain that I nursed for the past 51 years has vanished. Indeed, it pays to serve God. I give all the glory to the God of this Commission!” —Elder Adetula Peter

Documented Testimonies: July 31st - August 1st, 2019

Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Supernatural Turnaround Indeed, serving God pays the most. I have come to give God thanks for enthroning me during operation 615.  Since 2016 after my service, I've been believing God for a miracle job. When operation 615 commenced, Papa said those believing God for a miracle job should engage with all fervency. I went for morning & evening prayers & I was on the harvest field as well bringing souls to the kingdom. I changed my gear in praying kingdom advancement prayers everyday & also praying for my friends who were jobless.  In one of the communion services Papa said approach the table with violence, & that everything called sickness in our body will be flushed out. Then I told God if joblessness is a disease, then I want to be healed & made whole. Exactly one week after I got a call to come for an interview. I was the only person selected to resume work on the 2nd of July.  As if that was not enough, two weeks of w