Documented Testimonies: Saturday 17th August 2019

I have been jobless for 4 years after my Masters degree. I have always prayed for myself concerning a job, but at Shiloh, I heard all over again about Matthew 6:33. I saw testimonies, I heard testimonies and I have also read testimonies concerning kingdom advancement prayers. And see how it works!!!! 

In year, I joined engaged with every instruction, and the Holy Spirit told me to pray only for others and concerning my own requests, I should only give thanks which I obeyed.

The second week of my engagement, I got 2 job invitations from 2 companies. While I was attending one of the interviews, another company was calling me for an offer the same day. I have never had a job but now I was left with choices. 

I chose one of the companies and within one month I got confirmed and promoted just like that. Just like Sarah in Genesis 21:6, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh and celebrate with me. 

Thank you Jesus. 



I joined this great Commission in 2016. I lost my parents when I finished my secondary school and I was left to take care of myself. I started working for a company as a cleaner for over 3 years. 

When I came to this church, my prayer point was that God should change my story but nothing seemed to be working for me. Papa kept saying if you have been in this church for 3 months and nothing has changed in your life, you can leave.

Because of that, I decided to stop coming to this church. That week, a Deaconess from this church met me while on outreach and preached to me, and I returned home to this church. 

When I came back, I rededicated my life to Christ and I told God to give me an over-night turnaround according to the testimonies I have been hearing from the altar. One Sunday, Papa preached on tithing and I had not been paying my tithe before. 

I prayed and God instructed me to pay my tithe and I obeyed. That week, after paying my tithe, my boss made me his account officer without qualification. 

Even when I tried to disqualify myself by telling him that I have no knowledge on how to operate the computer, he said that was the reason I must start learning the use of computer right away. 

The next day, I was given my appointment letter just with SSCE certificate, an office where there were more qualified people. 

I return all the glory to God.  

--Motunrayo Joseph


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