* No one in your lineage will be branded a beggar. The end has finally come to all financial trauma in your life today.

* In the name of Jesus, no one under the sound of my voice today will end up as a proverb and byword. The cloud of Glory is moving, please move with it.

* Today, God is turning everybody's mourning into dancing. Let me hear your loudest Amen.

* In the name of Jesus, you and your generation after you will never know lack. You're coming out of any situation hanging over your life right now. As you keep giving out to the needy, you are giving your way to new realms of financial fortune(Job 29:12-13). Can I hear your loudest Amen!!!

* No landlord here will become a tenant tomorrow. No giver today will become a beggar tomorrow.

* Giving is not throwing. I don't give, I sow with biblical discretion - my first priority is tithing (which is God's priority to secure my blessings against the wickedness of the wicked).

* Everything that will destroy the works of your hands, God will stop it here.

* Beginning from now, God will begin to visit each one of us with divine ideas that will give you your glorious and colourful place in destiny. Somebody believe that, let me hear your loudest Amen. You're the next in line for a testimony. Some ideas will hit you within the next 7 weeks that will practically re-write your story before Shiloh in the name of Jesus.

* Beginning from now, your life will never run out of favour. When you favour the things of the kingdom, God unleashes His favour on your life. When you favour His cause, He favours you fearfully in return (Ps 35:27). Get ready for fearful favour. The next 7 weeks will bring you into strange realms of favour.

* You can't have favour with God and lack favour with man (Luke 2:52). Therefore from now, no more rejections for you.

*Your business will keep opening from one level to another; You will be changing level in your careers in the name of Jesus.

* Now, expect the rain of favour to start falling on your life.

* When God's blessings comes on the works of your hands, it shows. From now, you will not have to struggle with what others struggle with anymore (Ps 1:3).

* I decree the outpouring of the rain of favour upon your life. Receive it now in the name of Jesus Christ.

* That work, that looks ordinary, God will make a name out of it for you.

* Deut 28:12 I decree the blessings of the Lord, by covenant practice, upon the works of your hands. Receive that now in the name of Jesus.

* We saw in Abraham, that God usually leads us to where our blessing is waiting (Gen 12:1-3) - I decree today that the Spirit of God will keep leading you to where your next levels blessings is waiting.

* There is one step you will take within these 7 weeks that will turn everything around in your life - it's going to be between you and God. A covenant walk is between the believer and His God.

*  Whatever is keeping you from prospering, I command that siege to be broken today.

* Today by the grace upon this commission, I release your giving life into another level: You will share the testimony, my God will make you to laugh in the name of Jesus Christ.

* Turnaround is not a mirage; Turnaround is closer to you than you ever think; Turnaround is just at your doorstep: How do you encounter a turnaround? Whatever He tells you to do, do it (John 2:5). That is the master key to unending turnaround.

* In the name of Jesus, you will never be stranded in life again.

* Has God told you anything this month in relationship to His agenda of your financial fortune? Has He told you anything? Whatever He tells you to do, do it.  

* Somebody is free: you are that man, you are that woman. Give the Lord a big hand of praise. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

* PS 126 describes a Turnaround process. In the name of Jesus, you will never miss any other covenant opportunity in your life.

* Great things will be happening in your life without sweat.

* Job 36:11 You will never suffer anymore pressure in your life. Kingdom pleasure will become your new identity. Pleasure with purity will become your new identity in the name of Jesus Christ.
* Grace for raw obedience, that stirs a Turnaround, receive it now upon your life.

* I decree that this day marks the end of every form of financial struggles in your life.

* I welcome you to your Dreamland by covenant practice. I welcome you to your Dreamland by covenant practice. Joseph slept one night in the prison and the following morning, he woke up from the palace.

* Whatever has kept you in the prison of life, that does not allow your life to have expression, I decree an end to that siege today.

*  Whatever connotes mockery around you, your life and your family, I decree by the light of today and the choice you have made,  be turned into testimonies of Glory in the name of Jesus.

* Your Turnaround is premised on receiving the Truth, believing the Truth and acting on the Truth. While the earth remaineth, no devil can keep you stranded because that is the word of the Lord. Therefore, grace to keep receiving with delight the Word of the Lord in your private devotions, in the church services;  believing them wholeheartedly with pure motive; and acting upon them as raw as they are delivered, receive that Grace now in the name of Jesus.

* Every pity around your life is turned to testimonies of envy.

* Every pity around anyone's life under the sound of my voice is turned to testimonies of envy.

* Before Shiloh 2019, You are declared a living testimony among men.

* I saw the commitment of these army of winners demonstrated last Sunday when we took the first commitment of people to Mission Adoption Scheme. I have told you before but let me say it again, by the Spirit of the Lord, the greatest financial Giants in human history will rise from our platform.

*I don't know how many, but an army of men and women that will build churches across the nation from this place and now you're partnering with Jesus in spreading the Gospel to where you don't expect anybody but lives to be saved, sanctified and then enter into the blessing realm. Now in the name of Jesus, because you went with Him to the countryside, He will bring you to the limelight. You have done what you are doing in secret, God will start rewarding you openly.

* Now be blessed. I decree blessings upon your household, blessings upon the works of your hands, blessings upon your spouse, blessings upon your children, blessings upon your children's children in the name of Jesus.

* Failure will never be named with you again.

* My God will make you to laugh.

* In this year of Dominion, everything out to torment you will be tormented by the power of God.

* You're arriving at Shiloh 2019 in your brand new status (Amen).

*In Jesus Precious name.

* Lift up those two hands and give God thanks.


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