DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Tuesday, 13th August 2019

Miracle Job via Kingdom Advancement Prayers!

‘For three years, I was out of job. However, when Operation by all Means was flagged off, I engaged and prayed kingdom advancement prayers. I also followed every instruction from the altar. 

On July 31, 2019, I saw an advert. I applied and was scheduled for an interview the next day. When I got to the organisation, I met six other people for the interview and for the same position. Then I prayed and told God to prove Himself if truly He sent Bishop David Oyedepo to liberate the world.  

I was the last to be called up for the interview; in less than fifteen minutes, I was done and given the job. I return all the glory to God’! 

– Oduola Lanre Richard

Goods Released via Prophetic Instruction!

‘When Operation 615 was flagged off, we engaged on the field and prayed kingdom advancement prayers. We also engaged with our resources and assisted people to church with our car. We also assisted student to pay their fees at the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI). 

Meanwhile, our container that was shipped into one of the African countries was sized on its arrival. However, we were not deterred. We persisted in our engagement and distributed tracts every week. 

Also, I visited the country that had our goods seized and translated the tracts in their language. While I was there for five months, I distributed the tracks and when the container was not release, I came back home. 

On July 14, 2019, while ministering, the Bishop asked us to makes a list of “Enough is enough” and I did. He further asked us to place it on the floor, step on it and declare “Enough is enough” and I did as instructed. 

On July 25, 2019, my container was released without paying any money.  We give God the glory’! 

– Mr. and Mrs. Ikenna O. 


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