Documented Testimonies: Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Serving God, Highway to Greatness!

Before I joined this commission, my life was beaten and battered. We were living with someone and the future was so unsure for me. During a WSF Empowerment Summit on May 29, 2014, God's servant said to us all the cell ministers that "if your cell do not replicate by August then you have failed".

Those words struck me and I remembered crying literally for grace from God and a zeal to match, because I was a 19 year old young boy in charge of a cell, and hard still, the cell is located in a quiet and small close. It was an abandoned cell before I took it up again, and I wondered how it will ever work. But I left that meeting with a sure evidence of the Grace and the zeal to match being released to me by God.
God added 3 other members to the cell, and we began to hold a prayer chain 1 hour daily and 5 hours on Fridays (including outreach)Suddenly, the cell jerk to life and we continue to grow until we started to count 49 in a single cell meeting. By August we replicated. God did it!

The heavens opened and I who was squatting in one room apartment with my family and could not pay for the university entrance exam (JAMB), got scholarship to study in USA  in one of the best Christian colleges.

– Matthew Gold Ojo

9 Years Bareness Broken and Safe Delivery Granted

I and my husband got married 2008, I took in 2010 and had a stillbirth which was terrible, since then we have been waiting on God for the fruit of the womb.
We visited different hospitals, all to no avail, at the end doctors said my husband has low sperm count and that the solution is IVF, but we decided to wait on God.

I and my husband committed our self to kingdom promotion endeavours, we gave our home as  WSF center, and we also decided to be connected to the prophet set over us and to adhere to every instruction from the altar.

I and my husband were fully committed to wonder double prophetic agenda; we have our own harvest field, won souls and opened home cells to the glory of God, and God showed up, I got pregnant.

During my pregnancy, I was never sick despite the negative report of one of the doctor who was recommending CS and God showed up I delivered without operation. 

Today I have with me after 9 years of waiting, baby ISAAC TRIUMPH OGHENERAROME ELOGHOSA AGBANA.

Praise God.



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