Documented Testimonies: Wednesday, 14th August 2019

Miracle Job Through Engaging The Prophetic Word & Soul Winning

I have returned to give glory to the God of this commission for confirming the Word of his servant in my life. Since I passed out from the Youth service about a year ago, I have been believing God for a job to no avail.

To the glory of God on the Covenant day of Open Doors service, it was declared that “somebody is going home now with a miracle job in his hands”, the word hit me, and I immediately knew it was for me, I held on to it and the following day I made so many copies of my C.V and credentials and started distributing them to any office I see in town. 

I engaged in soul winning hunt, telling anybody I saw “come and see the God that gave me a job” even when I have not been offered any job by any firm. As I was go about preaching and sharing my C.V I got to a bank, when I remembered that they said if you don’t know anybody on top you won’t get any job, I wanted to pass but the Holy Spirit told me that what I needed for any door to open for me is God therefore I entered the bank and submitted my C.V, one week later I was invited for interview and subsequently I got a letter of appointment in the bank after one year of fruitless search.

I return all the glory to the God of Bishop David Oyedepo for changing my levels 

- Nnadili Patrick

License Activated via Kingdom Endeavours!

‘In 2016, I gave my life to Christ; thereafter, I enrolled for the Basic Certificate Course at the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI). I am a licensed partner with Uber and by the nature of my job, I disconnected in 2017. That same year, my license was seized and I could not operate. In 2018, I came back to the faith and as instructed, I engaged in kingdom advancement prayers. 

During the seven days proclaimed fast in July 2019, Bishop David Oyedepo asked us to list the things we wanted God to do for us and I asked God to restore my license. The Bishop further told us there is something we must do to experience our change of story. 

So, I engaged in soul winning and God gave me sixteen souls. During the Mid-week service, some of my converts came for the service. The next day, I reactivated my account and it was successful. 

I give God all the glory’! 

– Umoh Charles


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