Documented Testimonies: 18th - 21st November, 2019

Monday, 18th November 2019

1. Breakthrough and Healing Within 3months!

“I joined this Commission on October 2016. During the service, God’s Servant said, ‘If your life does not change positively within 3 months in this church, you are free to leave.’ I noted that statement and decided to put the God of Bishop Oyedepo to test, if He will prove 1Peter 5:10 in my life. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

During Shiloh 2016, I sowed my Shiloh seed as instructed by Bishop. A few days later, the God of Shiloh paid off my 5-year debt of 5million naira. I was already planning on doing something negative to myself because I didn’t know how to pay the debt. I give God the praise.

Also, on the last night of Shiloh, the Goitre that I had for one year disappeared! I give all the glory to the God of this great Commission because my case is settled and different!”

--- Olatunji O.

2. Delivered from Satanic Oppression via Encounter at Shiloh!

‘At the age of one, my little sister could not walk and at the age of four, this became a concern to us. She was taken to several hospitals, but they kept saying her bones and muscles were normal. Then we knew something was wrong. 

However, I came for Shiloh 2017 and on the second day, I saw a girl on a wheelchair going towards honour entrance. I watched her took some sand at the entrance, ate it and God healed her. I went back home and told my mother about it. 

The next day, we brought my sister to Shiloh ground and we went to honour entrance. We put some sand in her water bottle and gave it to her to drink. 

Lo and behold, as we got home, our neighbour and nanny confessed to be responsible for her ordeal. Our neigbour said she took my sister’s placenta to their coven. Immediately after her confession, she died. 

My sister can now walk after 4 years and God has restored double the cars and houses we sold during this crisis. I give God all the glory’! 

– Okoehi Faith

Tuesday, 19th November 2019

1. Seven Years Barrenness Terminated!

I came to Shiloh 2014 for the first time and sat at a very strategic position looking at my fathers in the faith, Bishop David Oyedepo and Bishop David Abioye. I saw no barrenness in them and in Canaanland so I cannot remain barren. I went back home after Shiloh and intensified my service. 

When Wonder Double Phase one began, I complied with the instructions that the Bishop gave. He said we should not pray about our challenges but rather go after souls. I invested in souls; prayed for souls and had sleepless night praying for the Kingdom. 

At the end of the Wonder Double Phase one, I was confirmed pregnant and the very last day of Wonder Double Phase three, I gave birth to this wonderful baby girl. We are here to return all the glory back to the God of Shiloh.    

Mrs IgbinakeRukeuwe

2. Supernatural Breakthrough!

“Previously, I was a Muslim. I came to this Church as a bus conductor 13 years ago, after which I gave my life to Christ. Also, God delivered me from marijuana, alcohol and cultism. 

In 2007, my wife called me that people advised her not to have an elaborate wedding because we would be barren for 12 years if we do. Immediately, I rejected it. 

A month after our wedding, my wife began to cry because there was pressure from her parent to get pregnant immediately. However, in Shiloh 2007, she became pregnant. Again, in Shiloh 2009, she was pregnant with our second child. Also, in 2013, she was pregnant with the third child.

Today, God has changed my story from being a bus conductor to a landlord. I now have my company and have travelled abroad, including the United States of America and London. 

I give God all the glory!” 

---Shodunke Olawale

Wednesday, 20th November 2019

1. Marital Stagnation Destroyed!

‘For five years, I trusted God for marital settlement. However, I had been coming for Shiloh and attending the marital breakthrough class. But last year, my expectation was high. On the first day of Shiloh, I had an encounter. 

I saw Bishop David Oyedepo in a revelation and I told him what had been happening to me. He said, “Go, the spell is broken. Go and attract your husband in five minutes.” I then gave all I had for my Shiloh sacrifice. 

During the cross over service, the Bishop said that there shall be no carryover. He further said that before 12 p.m. our blessings would get to us. 

I stayed back and prayed while I trusted God for a miracle. Before 12 p.m. I met my husband, and we got gloriously married. I give God all the glory’! 

– Mary Omolola Oladele

2. From Zero Level to Supernatural Abundance!

“When I came to Shiloh 2014, I was battered and at zero level. In fact, nothing was working for me and I couldn’t feed my family.  The last soup we cooked in my house before Shiloh 2014 was at the cost of ₦70.00.

So, we engaged in three days of prayer and fasting, and the Lord revealed Himself to me from Isaiah 43:18-19 at Shiloh.

To the glory of God, in March 2015, the Lord did the first thing; 38 units of jobs were given to me. I did not lobby for it and didn’t know the person who called me. They gave the job to me and paid fully, as if that was not enough, they called me again for another job,  I did seven of the structures for them.

To the glory of God, now I have my own four numbers two-bedroom blocks of flats, I’m building my own four-bedroom duplex. I have been able to accomplish unimaginable feats within unimaginable period of time in fulfilment of the Prophetic Declaration the year, because those 38 units were built in just six weeks.  

Indeed, the giant in me has risen.  I give God all the glory!” 


Thursday, 21st November 2019

1. Blessed with the Fruit of the Womb

We got married in 2014, for two years we experienced a delay in childbearing. So, we went for a test and the doctor said I had zero sperm count. I came with the report to Shiloh 2016 and attended the mother and father of nations beleiving God for a change of story.

 The night of dedication of babies, I received the word of God from the Bishop, who made me understand that the power that raised Jesus Christ would quicken my mortal body, I believed God and I knew my case was settled. In March 2017, we were led to open our house for home cell, that same month my wife took in for the first time. 

After two months she started spotting blood, but I remembered what the Bishop did when he had similar challenges. To the glory of God, the pregnancy was sustained and a day after Shiloh, my wife delivered a bouncing baby boy. 

- Tosin Adeyemi

2. Turnaround From Zero Level To Next Levels!

“I joined this Commission in 2006. Since then, my life had turnarounds from zero level to Next Levels.  A giant loan was set into my business. 

Since then, we had been believing God to run this business, as this Commission operates debt-free. 

During Shiloh, I determined with my wife and we prayed about the loan. We prayed, believing God that we won’t return to next year Shiloh with that loan hanging on our company. 

Lo and behold, God has paid the loan today!He did not only pay the loan, fresh ideas came into the business, which  has turned the business round 1,000 times higher, more than we have been experiencing, since the inception of the business! 

Today, I return all the glory to the God of Bishop David Oyedepo!”

---Oladeji, O. B.


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