Testimonies: Saturday, 2nd November 2019

Divine Promotion Through Kingdom 


I work in an organization where I was promoted after 5 years, that was in 2010.

After that things became stagnant. People I trained and who came after me were promoted to my position and even positions above me while I remained in the same position. At a time even the MD told me he did not know why he had not promoted me. It seemed like a case of Joshua the high priest who had a filthy garment placed on him by satan.

I then joined hands with another brother in this commission and we began to pray against every opposition and ask for favour with the management.

I also began to engage in all instructions from the pulpit, engaging in soul winning and when I couldn't go on outreach, I constantly prayed for lost souls and for those on outreach.

This year, everyone who has spent 6 years and above were being sacked from the organization, I have stayed for 10 years. But instead of being sacked, I was promoted because I engaged in soul winning. 

To the glory of God, this same year when men were saying there was a casting down, I was GLORIOUSLY PROMOTED. 

--Uche Olekanma.

10 Years Barrenness Terminated via Kingdom Endeavours!

“For 8 years I was an experiment for doctors at different hospitals. At a point, a particular coil was fixed inside my private part for 3 months for the purpose of separating the uterus. 

For those 3 months the coil was inserted, I was bleeding profusely. Eventually, after 8 months, I became tired and told God that if He would turn around my captivity, I will return to give Him all the glory.

Meanwhile, during the Wonder Double prophetic season, I engaged fully as I was going out for soul winning and also praying Kingdom advancement prayers. At a point, the Lord instructed me to organise a bus to convey members down to Church at Canaanland every Sunday.

I personally organised the bus on my own without consulting my husband. Later, I told him what I had done and he said it was good.

Afterward, some people tried to discourage me that the money was too much; and they persuaded me to stop. Then a voice asked me how much a soul is worth? I replied that no soul could be bought with N7, 000 for one week and I kept on doing it.

Amazingly, 3 months later, God visited us and gave us a son. To God be all the glory!”

---Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Okoli

Jesus is Lord!


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