Documented Testimonies: Friday 8th November 2019

1. Triplets After 20 Years Of Waiting!

   “My husband and I got married 20 years ago as Christians. Since then, we had been believing God for the fruit of the womb. We went to hospitals to know what was really wrong, and for treatment. After running so many tests, the results showed that there was nothing wrong with my husband or me.   

The doctors, who could not locate the cause of our barrenness, were all confused! My husband and I did not allow that to worry us, because we have a God that can do all things!   Some of our family members started getting worried. They suggested to us what to do, and where else to go. But we kept on holding unto our God. Meanwhile, I had not been pregnant before.  

In 2007, my husband and I came to Canaan Land for Shiloh.We came with high expectations. During the service, I made a vow unto God that if He should give us fruit of the womb, we would come back to Canaan Land to give Him the glory.

   In November 2010, I got pregnant for the first time in my life! When the pregnancy was five months, the devil launched his attack, but he failed. 

All through the pregnancy period, God’s protective arm was upon me and the triplets in the womb. In June 2011, I was delivered of these triplets – two boys and a girl! 

We thank God for visiting us in a very strange way!”

---Mrs. Bodurin, O.

2. Miracle Baby

We got married on June 6th 2015. Few months later my wife became worried that she has not conceived yet. I told her not to bother herself but to hold on to the 'more sure word of prophecy' in Exodus 23:25-26 & Deut 7:14. 

Towards the latter part of November 2015, Papa declared Shiloh outreach & as a couple, we dived into it. We went to highways, streets & major markets in our area to advertise Shiloh 2015. 

As I was shouting Shiloh! Shiloh! Shiloh! and sharing testimonies about Shiloh, my wife was busy distributing the flyers. We got to Shiloh that same 2015 and by December 26th, she was confirmed pregnant. 

To the Glory of God, I, my wife and our bouncing baby boy (who is 1 year & 3 months old now) are all born in the month of AUGUST! 

Praise the Lord! 

---Mr & Mrs Augustine

Jesus is Lord!


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