DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Monday 4th - Wednesday 6th November, 2019

Monday, 4th November 2019

Divine Restoration!

“I lost my job as a banker exactly a year ago. When I was coming for Shiloh, I did not allow anybody pity me. I was prepared and was just singing and dancing.

I made a vow in Shiloh, to give my first salary as a Shiloh sacrifice. The little salary I was paid, was divided into 12 parts, and I paid a portion as my Shiloh sacrifice. I paid my tithe too, and the heavens opened! 

God gave me an idea to go into farming and planting of some crops that are known as cash crops in the North. 

I started in March and God opened the heavens to the extent that I could not understand the blessings of God. God gave me a landed property of my own. I started with six acres of land this year. 

Shortly after, God multiplied it to 50 acres. I am currently sponsoring three people in the university and God blessed me with a farm truck! He also blessed me to the extent that, in less than 10 months, I made three times my annual package in the banking sector. 

Also God gave me a car when I least expected. I give all the glory to God!

 --- Olayeni Olatunji 

Miracle House via Obedience of Faith!

“We attended Shiloh 2014 for the first time. During that year’s Shiloh, we expected other blessings, but God gave us an assignment. He said, ‘The house that you have just bought before coming to Shiloh, I want you to give it up and open an orphanage.’ 

When we got home and did just as instructed, we opened an orphanage called home of David and Faith; it is a home of transformation. 

Hence, out of obedience, God gave us two extra houses. In my family, I’m the first person to build a house, including the house I built for my father. 

Meanwhile, he has never built a house of his own. Presently, we are building a bank. To God be the glory!” ---Mr. & Mrs. Ngangu

Tuesday, 5th November 2019

1. Healed of 14-Year Asthma!

“For 14 years, I suffered from asthma. As a result, breathing became an uphill task and I was restricted to certain things and duties. I came to this Church for the first time in October 2010 with a friend. That day, I came casually; so, I returned casually. 

However, when Shiloh 2015 was announced, I came prepared with full expectation to return with my testimony. While the Bishop was ministering during the evening session on the third day, he said, ‘From Glory to Glory is not a wish but work.’ He also said, ‘Never allow your situation to change the scriptures.’ I claimed those words and went home satisfied that my healing was sure. When I got home, I started searching the scriptures and from 3 John 1:2, light broke forth and I started claiming my healing. 

That night, I slept like a baby with no problem in breathing and I woke up with no form of pain in my chest and without any obstruction in my breathing. Since then I have been made perfectly whole. I give all the glory to the God of my father, Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo, Who is too faithful to fail!”

 ---Obi Judith

Wednesday, 6th November 2019

1. Miracle Marriage!

“I am standing right here, as a living testimony of the prophecy of the servant of God at Shiloh 2010. I came to Shiloh as a single. I had reached the age of marriage, but nothing was happening for me. This was a concern for me. 

So, I made up mind to remain on Shiloh ground till the event was over. During Shiloh, the Bishop had prophesied that in 2011, there would be 240 miracle marriages. So, I keyed into the declaration. He also said, ‘The only one that can stop you, is your doubt! No devil can stop it!’ I caught it! 

Furthermore, he said we should keep congratulating everyone, and that the language for 2011 is ‘Congratulations.’ I told the Holy Spirit, ‘I am greeting people congratulations, how do I get my own?’ He said I should keep sowing the seed of congratulation. Since then, I kept on sowing the seed. Everyone I saw, I congratulated them.

Truly, on Saturday, August 20, 2011, I was gloriously married! I give God all the glory! The bishop is truly a prophet, and he is my father!” 

 --- Mrs. Aderonke, F.

2. ‘SS’ Turned ‘AA’!

“For 21 years, I suffered from sickle cell anaemia and was on medications. When I gained admission into Covenant University, I received my healing by faith and was off medication but sometimes, I would fall sick and go home.

Every Shiloh, my first prayer request was for God to change my genotype to ‘AA’. I almost lost hope but I continued to key in to the prophetic words from this altar.

I was at the viewing centre during Shiloh 2013 because I couldn’t make it to Canaanland. I keyed in to the testimonies of those whose genotypes changed to ‘AA’ and was sure that my testimony was on the way. 

Lo and behold, after one of the morning sessions at Shiloh 2013, I went for a test and the result was ‘AA’. I went back for a confirmation result, and it was still ‘AA’. Since then, I have not taken any medication. 

Now, I am hale and hearty. I give God all the glory!”

 ---Omolara, A.


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