DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Saturday October 26, 2019

Saturday October 26, 2019

Two Years Stagnation Terminated Via Kingdom Stewardship

I joined this commission in 1997 at Garden of Faith, Kaduna. My family has a landed property with a 4-Bedroom flat on it, which we have being believing God to sell since 2013, in order to relocate to another part of the town. All efforts to sell the property did not yield any results. This has always being my prayer point since, as it has stagnated many plans within the family.

When this “Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda” was declared by God’s servant I told my wife that we are not going to pray about the issue again but like never before, we are going to put all our efforts and resources towards the realization of the Wonder Double Agenda in our local assembly. 

Hence, we put our car in a better condition and mobilized others seriously in our District for aggressive soul winning and to convey all our new converts and new members to and from church every Sunday and then God stepped in, the property was sold for #6.5 million and the very next day Wednesday, God miraculously provided another land bigger in size with an existing 4-Bedroom structure about to be roofed at cost of #1.6 million in a location of our choice. 

Indeed God of Bishop David Oyedepo is a rewarder. To God alone be all the Glory for evermore. 

– Pst Elegah .A.

11-Year Paralyzed Hand Healed

“I was on drugs for 11 years after the delivery of my last child as a result of complications during delivery. Since then, I had been experiencing one sickness or the other every year. 

After a while, I discovered that my left hand was not functional, as I couldn’t use it to do anything. I wore my clothes aided by people. Despite that, I decided to go out for outreaches and engage fully in soul winning for my healing. 

During the 4th service on Sunday, while the Papa was praying, my gaze was fixed on him. After that, I decided to lift my hands to share the goodness. 

Lo and behold, I discovered that the paralyzed hand has been fully restored. I give God all the glory!” 

---Confidence N.

Jesus is Lord!


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