Memo: Proclaiming a 7-Day Fast
From: President, LFCW
To: All Mission Stations
Subject: Proclaiming a 7-Day Fast
Date: June 30, 2019.
Dominion greeting in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
A prophetic Word came forth at the closing session of the recently concluded International Ministers Conference, saying “Within the next 5 weeks, everyone shall be stepping into supernatural realms of next levels – 2 Pet. 1:18-19/ Luk. 1:45
That is, God shall be opening to everyone of us, a great and effectual door, but according to scriptures, there are many adversaries contending with our access – 1 Cor. 16:19/ Deut. 2:24/ Mat. 16:18
Some of these adversaries may not give way without the combined forces of faith, prayer and fasting – Mat. 17:19-21/ Mak. 2:20
This is why, we must have to remind God of His Word, as we make specific demands for the blessings that accompany those who are dedicated to serving God and the interest of His kingdom – Isa. 43:26/ Exo. 23:25-26/ Job. 36:11/ Mat. 7:11
Therefore, in line with the prophetic word for this season, we shall be engaging the prayer altar among others, to:
Demand for full restoration of our total health – Mat. 8:17/Exo. 23:25-26 / Jer. 30:17
Demand for the supernatural change of levels within the set prophetic lifeline – Luk. 19:17-19/ Dan. 12:3
Demand for open doors of favour within this prophetic season – Mat. 6:33/ Psa. 102:13-15/ Jam. 4:2
Remember, God has not asked us to seek Him in vain – Isa. 45:19/ 1 Cor. 3:8/ Job. 36:11
This is why, we shall be enforcing the will of God to come true for us on the altar of prayer and fasting this week – Mat. 6:6/17-18/ Mat. 17:19-21
Note that our change of levels demands that we be found on duty, whenever our rewarder God shows up – Mat. 24:45-47
Therefore, in the name of Jesus Christ, A 7-Day Fast is hereby proclaimed from Monday 1st to Sunday 7th, July 2019, which shall set the pace for the Prophetic 5 Wonder Weeks ahead of us.
May this prophetic season launch every Winner and this Church into strange realms of Next Levels, such that at least ten souls shall come along with each one of us to Church and be settled here for life – Zph. 3:17-20/ Zch. 8:23
Finally, there shall be special daily evening prayer session for 1 hour 30 minutes this week, except for Wednesday midweek service. Time for this special evening prayer session should be as suitable for each local assembly. Each prayer session shall provide a slot of 30 minutes for personal supplication, where we shall be praying and listening for answers – Jer. 33:3/ Act. 22:10
Everyone of us shall be called a new name in the cause of this prophetic season – Isa. 62:2-3/ Gen. 32:24-25
May each one of us receive grace to make the most of these 7 days in accessing our realms of multiple change of levels as in the case of Joseph – Psa. 105:17-22. Amen.
Remain ever Blessed
Jesus is Lord!
Bishop David O. Oyedepo
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