Testimony: Saturday, 29th June 2019


I have been jobless for 4years after my master’s degree. I have always prayed for myself concerning a job, until in Shiloh 2017 when I heard all over again about Matthew 6:33. I saw testimonies, I heard testimonies and I have also read testimonies concerning kingdom advancement prayers and how it works.

In January 2018, during the 21 days fasting and prayers, the Holy Spirit told me to pray strictly/only for others and concerning my own requests, I should only give thanks which I obeyed. In the second week of the fast, I got 2 job invitations from 2 companies. 

While I was attending one of the interviews another company was calling me for an offer the same day. I have never had a job but now I was left with choices. I chose one of the companies and within one month I got confirmed and promoted just like that.

Just like Sarah in Genesis 21:6, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh and celebrate with me. 

Thank you, Jesus, 

- Karina Mildred


I started experiencing kidney failure since 2016. I discovered the food l eat takes nothing less than 9 - 10 hours before digesting. Any attempt to eat anything within this period will cause stomach disorder, which will lead to uncontrollable stooling for days. 

I was losing weight very fast and l became a shadow of myself. I had lost about 20kg within two years. This year 2019 the situation got worse, food can only digest within 14 - 15hours. 

This simply means I can only eat once a day. Also, when it takes too long to digest, the food goes sour in my stomach leading to continuous running stomach and passing out gas through my mouth with a very terrible smell. I  started avoiding people, my family relocated and left me alone. I developed swollen legs and constant headache with accompanying dizziness. 

Early April, the Lord said I should go to Canaanland. At my arrival OPERATION PRAY THROUGH was flagged off. I took advantage of it and gave it my best shot, praying 10hours daily: 6hours at night and 4hours in the day. 

Suddenly, I discovered the headache has gone, no more swollen legs, I can now eat thrice daily without running stomach. 

The Lord has given me a BRAND NEW KIDNEYS. 

Praise the Lord. 

Bro Paul A.

Jesus is lord!


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