Documented Testimonies: Tuesday, 25th June 2019


I want to thank God for giving me a miracle job. For almost three years I believed God for a miracle job and I engaged in every prophetic move till date, especially on the prayer altar. 

Last year November God showed up!! From November till date God has given me three international jobs. First was for two weeks, and the second offer came, I was on the second job for three months whilst I continued engaging in kingdom service and thanking God. 

Again, I received a mail from a multinational company I applied to since 2016, and in the mail, they offered me a job with a salary package twice what I had on the second job. 

I thank God for His servant Bishop Oyedepo my father, for teaching us this mystery of kingdom service that has made my levels to change drastically. 
Glory to God

---Christopher C.A

22- Year Stagnation destroyed via Kingdom Practice!

“I joined this Commission in May 2015 and in that service, while admonishing those worshipping for the first time, Bishop David Oyedepo said that this is a City of Refuge and if we stay on for three months and nothing changes, we can go back.

When WOFBI was announced, I enrolled and completed the three levels. I engaged in all Kingdom practices and joined Parks & Gardens unit believing that as I removed the weeds from the flowers to make them beautiful, God would remove the debris in my life and make me beautiful.  

I came to this Commission as a nobody but now, I run my own business, I can feed my family, send my children to the University and now pay my tithe in five digits. 

To God be all the glory!”

---Sylvester Ebejuo


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