Documented Testimonies: CHOP 13th-14th June, 2019

Thursday, 13th June 2019


I give all the glory to Almighty God, who always confirms the Word of His servant and performs the counsel of His messenger- Bishop David Oyedepo. I had a challenge in my place former place of work due to low performance of my unit & team members to the extent that the team members were sacked, and I was to voluntarily resign by January 17, 2018.  I had no fear at all because I knew then that God wants to change my level and give me a better opportunity. I engaged rigorously in kingdom advancement endeavours: amongst other things, I joined a group of 3 for continuous prayers and bringing souls to church, I was part of my Zonal visitation and follow up team, I was a bus agent, I joined morning and evening raids whilst praying minimum 1hr daily. Then God came through for me, I got an amazing job which I can remember applying for, the same week my wife was confirmed pregnant after we had waited almost four years. Indeed God is a Rewarder.  To Him alone be all the glory. -

-  FEMI A.

15-Year Glaucoma Disappeared via Operation 615!

“For fifteen years, I suffered glaucoma and at a point, it became very difficult to see with my right eye. I have gone to different hospitals in different states for treatment to no avail. After series of scan, the last doctor I visited told me that my eyes can never be healed, but immediately I rejected the report and declared that if Bishop Oyedepo is not blind, I cannot be blind. Thereafter, I took advantage of Operation 615 for my healing. While I prayed for souls for two hours every day, I told God that only someone with a clear sight can go out for soul wining. Meanwhile, during the Healing service held in June 2018, I prayed earnestly and believed God for my healing. Instantly, I felt that my sight was clear and the pains in my eyes disappeared. Since then till now, I have been seeing clearly. I return all the glory to God!”

—Heline Osebeyo

Friday, 14th June 2019

1. Miracle Job through Wonder Double Agenda!

“I joined this Commission in August 2015 during the first phase of Wonder Double. When Papa announced the Wonder Double Phase 2 Season, I was immensely grateful to God for that opportunity for my breakthrough. During that season, by the grace of God, I participated in all the evening raids and also went on personal outreach. By the grace of God and through His provision, I bought bibles and books on salvation and distributed to the converts that God gave me. I woke up earlier than usual on Sundays to give wake-up calls to all my converts. By God's grace, I won 30 souls for Christ and followed them up until they were established in the Church. To the glory of God, during the Operation Rescue Season, my boss informed me about an international job opening, within the group where I work and encouraged me to apply. God gave me success and I have been offered the job which comes with a ‘Heaven on Earth’ increase in salary, promotion and so many other benefits that I was not entitled to before. Indeed, God is not a user of men but a ‘blesser’/promoter of men and the glory and the lifter up of my head. I give God the glory for this supernatural international door that He opened for me! Via my commitment to Kingdom advancement endeavours”
……Lara O.


Between January and Apr 2018, I consulted for a foreign company based in Nigeria. After delivery, I put in my papers for the payment of my balance. They received my papers and I waited for payment only to receive a mail notifying me that the company is suspending operations indefinitely. An alarm went off inside me pointing to the fact that my outstanding along with that of other suppliers might not be paid. I responded to their email thanking them for the information and offered my company’s assistance if they needed any assistance in winding down. Then I re-focused my engagements in kingdom advancement prayers, Covenant Hour of Prayer, Operation Take your Territory for Christ, Operation 615, Operation Must Abide, Operation by all means. During Operation must Abide, the company engaged me to help them sell off their assets, so they can pay their several outstanding, whilst the Chairman also wanted me to be their Nigerian representative in a new line of business. I sold the first asset. My commission and my outstanding were paid. I give God all the glory because while some are still been owed, I have been fully paid. Thank you, Papa, for this key. - King Amodeni


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