Testimonies: Thursday, April 4, 2019

Healed via Kingdom Advancement Endeavours!

“Four years ago, I had an excruciating pain in my stomach and I went to the hospital. After a test was carried out, I was told I had fibroid. However, I joined this Commission in October 2018 and heard Bishop David Oyedepo say, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it.” 

So, I kept engaging in all the Operations. I prayed at least two to three hours every day and reached out to souls. 

Suddenly, the pains stopped. Like that one leper, I have return to give God all the glory!” 

--Nwafor H. N.

Divine Promotion via kingdom Service!

“I live in Gothenburg in Sweden and we do not have the opportunity to go for evangelism. However, my wife and I had been engaging rigorously in all the Operations. We prayed Kingdom Advancement Prayer for the rescue of souls and for all winners on the harvest field globally. 

While we connected to all the services online, we sent monthly transportation seed to support the new converts in a zonal centre.

Recently, my company in Gothenburg advertised five post for a coordinated schedule of work. This schedule is always reserved for senior staff who have served the company meritoriously for over eighteen years and it was highly competitive. I did not bother to apply because I have not been with the company for up to eighteen years. 

However, while in a meeting with my group chief, he asked why I did not apply and I gave him that reason. Surprisingly, when I got home, he called and said, he would give me one of those schedules. like a dream, he allocated the schedule to me ahead of over three hundred and fifty professionals, some with over twenty years work experience. 

Praise Jesus!”

--Akintayo Ayo


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