Testimonies: Saturday 13th April, 2019

1. Supernatural Breakthroughs!

“I joined this Commission with my family in November 2013 when things were almost at a standstill. Although we had engaged the prayer altar and devoured some of Bishop’s books, it seemed the more I prayed the stiffer things became. However, I refused to give up. When the midst of the year Wonder Double Agenda was declared I decided to re-position myself and dive into it.

I engaged the prayer altar for the salvation of souls and the advancement of the Kingdom of God and for the first time in a couple of years, things began to change. From then on, I began to experience supernatural turnaround in my finances. 

The debt that was choking me was cancelled, accommodation issue was resolved and numerous doors of increase were opened to me. My wife, who had respiratory issues for about two decades and couldn't go for two days without medication was miraculously healed. All these happened because we keyed into Matthew 6:33! 

My household now engages in daily prayers for souls and for the Church. Matthew 6:33 is a revelation that cannot be taken from us. I passionately, share with whoever is interested, that the greatest key to accessing the blessedness of God’s Kingdom is soul winning. I give all the glory to the God of Wonder Double that performs whatever He says!” UchennaAnikpe

2. Miracle Job!

“When Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda was declared in 2015, I made up my mind to take advantage of the golden opportunity. I said to myself that I would pray 5 hours daily so that Wonder-Double can be fulfilled; which I did. God also gave me a Covenant Prayer partner, who we engaged together in daily prayers at our Zonal centre. 

As the Bishop kept re-echoing that our reward mentality should come alive because God isn’t looking for who to use but who to bless; I got more assured and kept engaging relentlessly. During the last phase of the Prophetic season,we increased the prayer tempo, to thrice a day.  

Then, God showed up in my life! Without seeing me at all, an organisation I had earlier applied to for job sent some tests to me which served as my interview.  However, wewere still engaging in prayers after July 26 for the salvation and establishment of souls. 

That week, I got a call to resume in Abuja with one of the most reputable organizations in the country with all the awesome accompanying benefits! I have returned to give all the glory to the God of my Father, Bishop David Oyedepo!” 


Jesus is Lord!


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