Testimonies; Friday,12th April, 2019

1. 12-Year Diabetes Healed Via Kingdom Advancement Prayers!

“For 12 years, I suffered from diabetes. Due to this ailment, I injected myself with insulin daily. When the 21-day prayer and fasting for 2016 started, I purposed to engage in Kingdom advancement prayers daily for two hours. Sometimes, I found myself praying for five hours. I also decided that I will not inject myself with insulin again. Furthermore, I have been using the 2016 Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declarations daily.

After one week only, I am now totally healed from diabetes because I have not injected myself with insulin. Rather, I am very strong and healthy. This has never happened to me in the past.

Secondly, I was pursuing a degree course but deferred it due to lack of fees. However, on Friday, January 15, 2016, I received a letter from an organization I had applied to, approving full scholarship all through my university education. Thirdly, I had a challenge of paying school fees for my child because I lost everything after converting to Christianity from Islam. Amazingly, it was also settled. I give God all the glory!”

---Pamela, W.

2. Miracle Conception Via Kingdom Engagement

“In October 2015, I participated in the Wonder-Double Prophetic Agenda phase 2, but I concentrated more on praying for myself, because I have been believing God for the fruit of the womb for three years then, but at the end of everything nothing happened.

This year 2016, I heard testimonies of people who said they forgot about themselves and concentrated on Kingdom advancement prayers and got amazing results. So, I decided to follow their foot step by forgetting about myself, but wholeheartedly and passionately concentrated in praying for souls and Gods kingdom. Praying for souls became a burden in my heart. I prayed until I knew God has heard me, because whenever I heard testimonies of salvation I told myself ‘I prayed exactly about this.’

I began the prayers in February 15, 2016 when the Operation By All Means Prophetic Agenda began. By March 6, 206 I was confirmed pregnant, and the result indicated I got pregnant on the 29th of February, 2016.  I am still in shock of God’s acts and speed.

Indeed, Matt 6:33 works. God has given me my first quantum leap blessings. I am blessed to be a part of this ministry and grateful for the privilege to work for God, it has turned my life around.

Thank You Jesus”

--Sandra, Laura.


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