DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Wednesday, 17th April,2019

1. 36-Year Deadly Heart Disease Terminated!

“I grew up to accept that I cannot do what others do due to a deadly heart infection called myocardial infection. This caused my heart to beat faster and subjected me to a life of anxiety and fear of death. As a nurse, I also knew that if it persisted, it could lead to sudden death. I was also told that, with life-drugs the risk can be reduced. Despite the drugs I take every day I have received uncountable heart-attacks particularly in the night and have gasped for air, times without number, disgraced publicly, feared dead in some instances in the hospital where I work. These led to my conclusion that I cannot make it in life except through God’s intervention. When the Wonder-Double was announced, I was determined to serve God by ensuring that the names I listed are saved by committing myself to praying Kingdom advancement prayers both in church and personally. During the last Midweek service, I partook of the Communion knowing too well that God had addressed my case and that He saw me when I secretly took my drugs right in the church during the message. Since that time, I have not experienced any attack or taken any medication and no trace of the disease is in my heart anymore. Now I sleep fearlessly like a baby. To God be all the glory!”  Funmi O.

2. God of Wonder Double Visited Me!

“During one of the Covenant Hour of Prayer sessions, some persons shared the testimonies of how God visited them when they switched into Kingdom focused prayers. That morning, God's Servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, gave a charge on Matthew 6:33.

From the charge, I had a deeper understanding and I saw what made others get their testimonies. I immediately switched from praying for myself and business during Personal Supplication periods to praying for others and the Kingdom.

However, in the last week of the 40-day post resurrection visitation, I received my own testimony.
God miraculously paid bulk of the financial indebtedness hanging over my business for two and half years and doors of unimaginable favours are now opened in my life. Indeed, the Word works! I return all the glory and honour to the God of this Great Commission!” 

Henry L.


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