DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Saturday 20thApril,2019

1. Miracle Job via Kingdom Advancement Prayers!

“I joined the Commission on July 19, 2015. The very first time I worshipped here, I felt very much at home and I was persuaded that it is my God ordained place of worship. As time went on, I saw how souls were prayed for to be established. That made me realise that it was through the prayers of faithful brethren that I too was established. Then, I took it upon myself to start praying for souls.
This happened after my service year when I was in search of a job. Although, initially, I was praying for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, I was not as committed as when I enlisted in the prayer army. I engaged fully in God’s Work and miraculously I was invited for a job interview I didn't know when I applied for. Though a long recruitment process, God saw me through. Today, I am currently working with one of the prominent telecommunication companies which I didn’t qualify for. Indeed, Matthew 6:33 has become a reality in my life. 

Secondly, the job requires vast knowledge in computer and I was a beginner. I found it very difficult to adapt and my job was at stake. During the grand finale of Operation Possess the Land, I prayed to God for divine understanding, supernatural and automatic multi-tasking skills, and fast navigation on the computer system. Miraculously, all these were confirmed in my life a few hours after my prayers. God is indeed a sharp sharp God. I return all the glory to Him Who is a rewarder and not a user of men!” Saliu Cynthia

2. Miracle Conception

I want to thank God Almighty who confirm the word of his servant in my family
We got married Jan 2017 and since then we have been believing God for the fruit of the womb, and so we decided to engage in kingdom advancement prayers particularly in operation run by praying minimum 1 hour every night and I also engage during my lunch time at work,

On 18th of June which was our covenant day of fruitfulness, amongst several prophetic declarations from God's servant "he said in four weeks’ time everyone on the line for miracle babies shall be confirm pregnant"my wife and I received that word,

Immediately we got home after the service we celebrate God for confirming his word in our life a week later which was the last day of operation run my wife was acting funny thereafter she went for test and she was confirmed pregnant.Indeed, am grateful to God for confirming the word of his servant in my family. Mr & Mrs Akewe.

Jesus is Lord!


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