DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Monday, 8th- Tuesday 16th April,2019

Monday, 15thApril,2019

1. Quadruple Promotion Via Kingdom Advancement Prayer

I was due for promotion from 2008; all my junior staffs were promoted. They overtook me by surprise. Then I was reduced to nobody and my schedule of duty was taken away from me. They mocked me to the extent of which they are even sending me to do some official work for them. And I became frustrated and lost hope in every struggle. In one of the Covenant Hours of Prayer last month, I heard Papa saying, kingdom advancement prayer guarantees supernatural growth, open rewards and access to divine favour. Then, I keyed into those words and my hope which I lost jerked back to life. Then I changed my prayer approach by praying for the kingdom of God, I stopped praying for myself, I also increased my prayer hours from 30 minutes to One hour both in the day and at night by praying for Church growth, praying for the salvation of unsaved souls and also for the increase of cells. I obeyed every instruction that comes from the Altar. Then God of BISHOP DAVID .O. OYEDEPO showed up, God surprised me with four promotions that were denied me of, on the 29th of March, 2018. All those junior staffs that were mocking me before are now shamefully under me. 
I return to thank the God of BISHOP DAVID .O. OYEDEPO for wiping my tears and make me superior over my enemies. Indeed serving God pays. 
Truly, Mathew 6:33 works like fire. To God alone be all the Glory - Yakubu Anzaku Moses

2. I Got My Miracle Job Via Kingdom Advancement Prayers

I came to this church for the first time on the 12th March. During second service, when papa was preaching, he emphasized on the need for Kingdom Advancement Prayers and its significance. So that very night, I keyed into it not just for the night but also at noondays. 

However, on Friday around 2-3am in the morning; papa visited me in my dream and gave me a certificate which he called “the certificate of my breakthroughs” 

The next day being Saturday, I was called for an interview and I was immediately deployed to start work on Monday the next week with a good salary scale and some promising bonuses, I thank God Almighty in Jesus’ Mighty name.

Ndifon Alfred Ojah

Tuesday, 16thApril,2019

1. Supernatural Promotion after 8 years

I want to return all glory and adoration to Almighty God for His faithfulness. I am a Security Operative working with a Five Star Hotel since 2008, but no promotion. I have keyed into the Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda since inception. God has been blessing me and my family on every side; two building projects going on at the same time, supernatural supplies, divine strength, divine health and wisdom.

During the Operation Run, I was actively involved to the extent that I did not miss any of the One hour evening prayer session despite the fact that I work on the Island in Lagos, I make sure that I am always at the Cannanland for the prayer, and I usually go to the Company’s Roof Top for prayer every morning for at least 30 minutes before resuming for work.   Blasting my Kingdom Investment prayers even before staff and guests of the Hotel was part of my life style.

Two weeks to the end of the Operation, which was also the period of receiving the Company’s appraisal letter of promotion, a thought came to my mind that, ‘what I am not promoted upon my engagement in Kingdom Investment Prayers; that other staff will laugh at me’. I then ignored that thought and continued in my prayers.

To my greatest surprise few days to the end of the Operation, I was supernaturally promoted after 8 years and my name became Congratulations as lots of people were congratulating me for the usual favour. The children of Israelites rode on the wings of Moses to their Promised Land, I’m riding on the wings of Prophet David Olaniyi Oyedepo to my Promised Land. Adebisi Olaoluwa O.

2. The Glory of my Family Restored 

We lost our offshore Business in 2016 as it was about to launch into the stock market. As a result, our company went bankrupt.  Due to this challenge my husband fell sick and things started going down for us. We lost properties, our other businesses in Nigeria was stagnated, things became difficult for us. In 2018, we were being given an excessive tax of over 2.5 million Norwegian Krone over the company that did not run. As a result of this, we were about to lose our house and be rendered homeless.

In all this time I kept to my kingdom advancement endeavors with the understanding that God cannot fail and can never leave me nor forsake me notwithstanding the challenges. I also kept reminding God of the covenant of service according to Exodus 23:25 and God showed up.

Last week, I got a message that the excessive tax has been waved. Our house is no longer under any threats of seizure. Also, my business in Nigeria has started picking up.  My husband that had given up on himself, God has completely restored his hope. I have come to return all the glory to God. Mrs. Tosha A. (Norway)


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