DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Friday, 19thApril,2019

1. Spiritual Awakening and Supernatural Supply!

“Two weeks ago, I had a burden to attend a foreign exhibition which would help expand my business. However, I did not have the required funds to go. 
On Monday, April 27, 2015, I attended the Covenant Hour of Prayer and the Bishop spoke about seeking and praying Kingdom-centered prayers. He also told us to dedicate at least 30 minutes to pray for the Kingdom that day.
In obedience, I prayed for the Kingdom without asking God for anything that morning. Later that day, I prayed for the Kingdom again, using one of the church prayer guidelines which I downloaded from the Church website. I prayed for an hour, instead of the 30 minutes that I planned for, due to the number of Kingdom needs I was burdened with.
Lo and Behold, that same day, I received a bank alert of ₦300, 000 from a close acquaintance, who did not know anything about my journey. Meanwhile, that was the exact amount I needed for the journey. Thereafter, God added extras by ensuring that two of the debtors paid, thereby making provisions for shopping, which I did not plan for.  In addition, I got a discount from the travel agency. I give God all the glory!” ---Ayomikun, O.

2. Wonder-Double Change of Job!
“When the Covenant Hour of Prayer was initiated, I determined to keep praying the same prayer point until I received my desired testimony. However, two weeks after, the Holy Spirit revealed Matthew 6:33 to me. So, I started praying for the Kingdom and the needs of others. Shortly after, Bishop Oyedepo began speaking about the blessedness of praying Kingdom-focused prayers, which I committed myself to, forgetting about my troubles.
Towards the end of May 2015, I was invited for an interview in one of the companies I had previously submitted my application. The following day being Saturday, I was called and asked when I desired to resume but I was not satisfied with the nature of the job because I would be transferred from my present location. That notwithstanding, on Sunday, May 31, 2015, which was a Thanksgiving Service,  I danced to the altar, appreciating God in advance for my change of job.
The following week, I got another invitation for an interview in Lagos and this was during the 7-day proclaimed fast in the Midst of the Year season. I attended the interview expecting series of questions but amazingly, I was asked, ‘Are you ready to start today?’ Immediately, I was given my job description, we negotiated and the deal was sealed. I give all the glory to the Wonder-Double God, Who gave me my Wonder-Double job, in my field of interest, in the Midst Of The Year!”-Christiana Ayoka


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