Testimonies: Wednesday 20th March, 2019

International Job via Soul-Winning!

“In September 2012, God gave me a job as the Financial Controller of an international organization. God revealed to me what was happening in that company and told me not to join them. So, I made a vow to Him that I would neither steal nor allow anyone to steal. 

I walked with God, despite several frustrations and threats on my life. At a point, I was given an escort everywhere I went. When they could not get me out of the company, they lured me to South Africa for a regional training. There I was told that my job had been terminated. I cried in the hotel I was lodged and called my Zonal Pastor and we prayed together.

My wife and I also prayed and engaged in Kingdom service. Shortly after, God told me, ‘Son, those that petitioned against you, I have petitioned them. Watch and see!’ I also heard the Bishop say, ‘You, who have lost your job, let God employ you.’ So, I keyed into that and engaged vigorously in soul-winning. I went to Automated Teller Machine (ATM) points, shared tracts and challenged them to allow God to employ them. 

Within two months, I received job offers from different countries of the world. When I asked God for the one to choose, He said, ‘Son, take that one.’ Today, I am the first employee of that company in Nigeria. I am so revered and honoured. I give glory to God for restoring me 10 times over. Halleluiah!”

----Godwin Peters

Deliverance From Spiritual Husband and Marital Breakthrough

I am a lady, who will clock thirty-eight years in December this year during Shiloh 2015.

I had suffered the affliction of spiritual husband all these years; as a result, I have not been able to marry because a cloak covered me and prevented my God-ordained husband from seeing me. 

However, when the midst of the year was declared I keyed it into it. I engaged in evangelism, praying for souls and engage in kingdom prayer and all instructions by His servants. God of Wonder double stepped in, He delivered me in the midst of the year, in which we are right now. 

Now eligible suitors are rushing at me. I give God all glory. 

---Florence, O.

Jesus is Lord!


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