Testimonies: Saturday March 23, 2019

Supernatural Breakthrough

I trusted God for a change of job. I obeyed every prophetic instruction and for the first time, I was determined to win souls to Christ. My husband and I made it a duty to win souls. We were also led to pray round the tabernacle every day, stopped praying for ourselves but for the kingdom even both at home and in the covenant hour of prayer.

Suddenly, God opened many doors. I applied for different jobs in my line of career and was invited for interview by 5 organizations. I was only able to attend 3 interviews out of them. Amazingly, calls began to come in that I began to feel important and shocked. This has never happened to me in my life. 

Miraculously, I was offered a mouth opening package, an accommodation in a well-respected estate in Lagos, a car with a driver; the exact amount I was afraid of requesting for was paid.  I was also paid a year salary in advance upon my resumption. 

Following week, I had another offer with a big salary, accommodation, a car and a driver. As if that was not enough, another organization in Port Harcourt kept sending mails and text messages for employment. 

After, numerous messages, I called them and told them, I am sorry that I had already signed up a contract with another organization. Brethren, indeed serving God pays!  

My little age and experiences cannot commensurate with this position.   

May this revival never end. 

---Oluwabusolami A. A

11-Year Paralyzed Hand Healed

“I was on drugs for 11 years after the delivery of my last child as a result of complications during delivery.

 Since then, I had been experiencing one sickness or the other every year. After a while, I discovered that my left hand was not functional, as I couldn’t use it to do anything. I wore my clothes aided by people. Despite that, I decided to go out for outreaches and engage fully in soul winning for my healing. 

During the 4th service on Sunday, while the Bishop was praying, my gaze was fixed on him. After that, I decided to lift my hands to share the goodness. 

Lo and behold, I discovered that the paralyzed hand has been fully restored. I give God all the glory!” 

---Confidence N.

Jesus is Lord!


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