Testimonies: Monday, 4th - Wednesday, 6th March 2019

Monday, 4th March 2019

1. Miracle Baby via Kingdom Advancement Prayer!

We joined this church in 2008 and have been following all the instructions from the mouth of God's Servant. Confidently, I told my wife that our challenges will be taken care of by God in this church. I engage in praying for the advancement of God's Kingdom. 

When I discovered that Mathew 6:33 is all that I need to see my testimonies manifest, I forgot praying for my personal needs. I was praying for souls to be saved and established in this church. After every Covenant Hour of Prayer service, I would go back to my house and pray for 1 hour before going to work and also reach out for souls.

Thereafter, things started turning around for good in my life and family. In 2017, my wife took in but none of us knew that she was pregnant until after 4 months (October 2017 to be precise). When my wife went to the hospital for ovarian cyst drainage, the doctor told her that she was 4 months pregnant. During this period her monthly flow was as usual.

Today, we have our miracle baby boy "Prince Victory IfechukwuOkolie" after 13 years of waiting on the lord. In short, without Mathew 6:33, life is meaningless. I give all the glory to God and I thank him for the grace of obedience to every instruction from the altar! Jude Okolie

2. I am an Established Convert with 27 Established souls in Church

I met with Bishop David Oyedepo last year October 2017 in one of his outreaches at Iyana-Iyesi junction and ever since then, I have been coming to the Church. In February 2018 I enrolled into Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI). 

I am now an established convert of the Bishop and have been committed to Mathew 6:33. Since the time the Bishop showed me the way to the top most top by engaging in Kingdom Advancement endeavours, I have won and established 27 souls in the Church. Last month May 2018, God gave me some converts. One of the converts had been believing God for a miracle job. I invited him to the Church and he honoured my invitation. Right in the service, the Bishop declared that someone will receive job sms today. While still in the service with him, a job sms came through his phone to resume for a job the following Monday. He was so excited. 

The following Sunday, he also came to the Church with his convert. As these converts moves into the Church, different kinds of great doors began to open for me. I have started my second degree in the University of my choice without any financial stress. 

Indeed, Soul winning pays the most for anyone that cares to believe and engageOSAKUEGRACIAH

Tuesday, 5th March 2019

1. Supernatural Change of Level Through Soul Winning

I lost my job in January, 2014 and since then, I have experienced career stagnation. Over these years, my life was battered, beaten and shattered. My marriage was almost collapsed; children fees was a problem every terms. Debt was ravaging my life. There was no transport money for me to go out, even church service. I trek to church from my house about 4kilometre both to covenant hour and church outreaches.

We hardly eat well in the house with 5 children, my wife pays the house rent and sustain the home with food and sometime give me pocket money.

I came to covenant hour when I had the testimony of a brother facing the same challenges that left his place of comfort and came to Lagos Canaanland to distribute 1000 fliers in a day. I emulated him, picked up over 1,200 fliers and started distributing it and sharing the word by trekking from Mile 2 to MamzaMamza, Orile and Oshodi. 

In the second week of my vigorous and passionate engagement in personal soul winning and praying kingdom advancement prayers, a multinational consulting firm called me and I was interviewed on phone and was later called to come in person to pick up my offer for appointment as a manager.

Today, I resumed on the job with mouth-watering packages. God has changed my story; I give Him all the glory. 
Ese Alex

2. Supernatural Opened Doors from engaging in Operation 615

I started Operation 615 squatting in someone's apartment, indebted to several people, sad and broke. I engaged in Operation 615, went out to share tracts and fliers. I engaged in morning and evenings raid. I soaked Garri on countless occasions, yet I still continued engaging undeterred. 
I also shared whatever little I had with others in need whenever I had. I made sure people ate and even shared my clothes with those who didn't have any. I also keyed into every word from the altar. I that used to beg people for help and considered a nuisance to most people, decided not to beg again and suddenly, God showed up for me using someone to help without any prompting! I got the sum of 600,000 naira within 10 days. I have paid my debts and will move into my own apartment and start a business as well. Indeed, I have been enthroned! 
I trust God to do all that is left to be done in my life in Jesus name. Amen! Sis. Omo Momoh

Wednesday, 6th March 2019

1. Miracle Job via Kingdom Advancement Endeavours!

I was given a letter of termination of appointment at my former place of work. Since then, I've been experiencing setbacks, shame and mockery. Consequently, my zeal sagged. Some family members even ridiculed and rejoiced at my debasement. Nevertheless, I trusted God. 

I engaged in Kingdom Advancement Endeavours, brought souls to the church and prayed fervently for the advancement of God's Kingdom and the church. God gave me a job in a company where I know nobody and with better remuneration. Thus, God lifted up my head out of shame and reproach. My God is a covenant keeping God! 

I want to give glory to Him for rolling away shame and reproach from my life! - AlechenuA.P

2. Miracle Conception via Kingdom Endeavours!

“Before we joined this Commission, my wife was diagnosed with Hepatitis B virus and we went to different hospitals for treatment, to no avail.

After our wedding, my wife could not conceive. Then, we served actively in our Units in church until the midst of the year outreach last year.

Afterwards, we were instructed by our Papa, Bishop David Oyedepo, that we should spend more time praying for the Kingdom than our own personal challenges. We keyed into that instruction and other directives. We started praying for souls and went out sharing fliers and tracts. 

Whilst engaging both in prayers and reaching out for souls, my wife started feeling funny; so, we went for test and discovered that she was two weeks pregnant. Miraculously, the Hepatitis B test was also negative. Today, God has blessed us with a daughter. I have come to return all the praises to God!”  Mr. & Mrs. Adetayo


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