Testimonies: Friday 22nd March, 2019

Matthew 6:33 Works!

“I saw a revelation that I joined a big bus going to the Faith Tabernacle Canaanland Ota. But, prior to this time, things were tough for us. 

However, I joined this Commission and engaged in bringing souls to Christ. Also, I was regular at the Covenant Hour of Prayer. My wife joined the Sanctuary unit in Canaanland. She goes for sanctuary cleaning every Saturday. But things were still tough because there was no money to buy goods in our shop. Our relatives refused to help. 

We were, nevertheless, committed to Kingdom advancement prayers and we ensured that souls followed us to church every Sunday. We participated in outreaches until God changed our story. 

God used a stranger for us, who gave us money to start our business without interest. 

He also gave us free household items worth one hundred and fifty thousand naira. 

I give God all the glory!” 

---Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Erigha

Supernatural Supplies via Kingdom Advancement Endeavours!

“Immediately after the first phase of the Wonder Double Agenda, I lost my job. All effort to be reconsidered failed and things became so bad for us that we borrowed to eat. However, my wife and I continued in Kingdom engagements. 

Thereafter, we relocated to Otta and after a year of serious engagements, God made us house owners. 

We also increased the tempo of our engagements having known that God is not a user of men. During Operation 615, we formed a group of five; we prayed for the Kingdom and went out for souls. 

In February 2018, we picked a date for our first son’s wedding without money in our accounts. A month to the wedding, it looked like nothing was going to happen but we continued in our engagements. Some days to the wedding, our heavens opened; money was rushing into our accounts without begging. Two weeks ago, my son was gracefully married. We are now Grandpa and Grandma in the making. 

Praise the Lord!”

--Pastor and Deaconess Williams Olurinde

Jesus is Lord!


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