The year 2019 shall be your year of humbly testimony, pace setting testimonies

Testimonies such as eyes have not seen nor ears heard

The year 2019, Gen 1:26; Rev 5:9-10 shall be established as your seal of dominion.

You are already anointed to reign over every issue around your life in the year 2019

You step into a vehicle accident is forbidden

You step into an aircraft accident is forbidden

What you have in your hand is your seal of exemption from evil

That mantle is not for blowing your nose, it’s for blowing the devil and every works of wickedness

As the Lord liveth, death will never come near you with this mantle

Everything that is of grace in my life, I freely release upon you today

Nigeria shall not see any more bloodshed in Nigeria shall not know any war again

The prince of peace will continue to dominate in Nigeria, Africa

We shall not see setback anymore

Because of the Saint of Gods that are in this country, Nigeria is saved.

All the various Service Group members that minister in one way or the other, be blessed in the Name of Jesus.

For anyone who brought their converts on this ground, in the name of Jesus your secret labour shall be openly rewarded.

Everybody under this Prophetic Canopy, as the Lord liveth, every grace available here follows you home.

Nobody arrives home with any mark of the devil on his arrival. Before you arrive home, there’s a full-scale delivery on your arrival.

May the spirit of Dominion rest upon your life in growing dimension.

Go in peace.

Your life will never be void of thanksgiving again.

Your life will never run dry of testimony.


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