Shiloh 2018: Dominion (Day 1) - 4th December 2018


*. Father, we thank you for the supernatural impact of the past shiloh events since inception. Psalm 115:1

*. Father, we thank you for hitch free shiloh 2018 in response to all our prayers. Philippians 4:6

*. Father in the name of Jesus, at shiloh 2018 via your word give me an unforgettable encounter in all areas of my life. Isaiah 25:6

Bishop David Abioye

"The word of the lord shall be confirmed in your life at this Shiloh in Jesus name". 

There's no doubt the atmosphere is charged with dominion virtues. 

We just finished praying for ourselves a little while ago & " There's no doubt God has answered your own prayer in Jesus name". "At shiloh 2018 you shall be departing with answers, another hanna shall be departing shiloh 2018, another Jacob shall be leaving shiloh 2018 with a new name in Jesus name". 
Joshua 18:1-3
We are all gathered right now no matter where you're located. 
God does not speak of what he will do, he speaks of what he has already done. 
'The land was subdued before them'. " as far as God is concerned every mountain before you before shiloh 2018 is already levelled in Jesus name". 
God has given it, we are here to receive it. 
Shiloh 2018 say with me 'I receive dominion' - you are not here to beg, you're here to receive, your package is here with your name on it. 
"You're receiving the fulfilment of your marital destiny at shiloh 2018 in Jesus name". 
At shiloh 2018 all things are ready. 
Luke 14:17
" your own blessing is ready in Jesus name". 
Say with me 'my own is ready'. 
The big question tonight as we proceed in this opening session is - are you ready?
God does not prepare things, he has already prepared them. What you need to do is prepare yourself for the things God has already prepared for you. 
We have all been preparing for the previous weeks but it is still not too much. True few more minutes you have to prepare the better your chance of getting more in the exam. 
You've come to shiloh to receive & take your portion. 

Shiloh Mass Choir Ministration:
Song...(We are walking in dominion...reigining in life...we are walking in authority, there's no limit to your breakthrough...we are walking in victory, triumphing gloriously...we are walking in authority...theres no limit to our breakthrough...we are walking victory...triumphing gloriously...we are walking in authority...there's no limit to our breakthrough.
We have been taken from darkness to light...we have been passed from death unto life...we have been given dominion & subdue the kingdoms & reign on the earth...2*
Chorus...We are walking in dominion...reigining in life...we are walking in authority, there's no limit to your breakthrough...we are walking in victory, triumphing gloriously...we are walking in authority...theres no limit to our breakthrough...we are walking victory...triumphing gloriously...we are walking in authority...there's no limit to our breakthrough.
We have been made more than conquerors in Christ...we are the light of the world, city set on the hill. To dominate all the powers of the enemy. The spirit of God &  his word we demonstrate. 2* 
From pain to gain, from sickness to health, from poverty to wealth, defeat to victory. 

Chorus...We are walking in dominion...reigining in life...we are walking in authority, there's no limit to your breakthrough...we are walking in victory, triumphing gloriously...we are walking in authority...theres no limit to our breakthrough...we are walking victory...triumphing gloriously...we are walking in authority...there's no limit to our breakthrough. 
I'm from above, from the heavenlies, seated with Christ, I'm far above. 5*)

Offering Charge (luke 6:38)

One of the ways to maintain our focus in the spiritual journey is to keep remembering where God took us from. For us as a commission we owe good much, he took us from nowhere - gradually this is the twentieth shiloh. Very shortly we shall be watching a shortclip so we can return glory back to God.

Song...(all the glory must be to the lord 2* for he is worthy of our man on earth should give glory to himself all the glory must be to the lord). 

This song with us is part of the starting of the commission the first time we sang it with God's servant was back in 1981
Remembering to thank God for the past is establishing the future. 
Pray...'father appear to me by your word tonight'. 

Part One

Let's lift up our hands to give God thanks for the privilege of being here tonight. 
Welcome everyone of us to the feast of Jesus, the mountain of fat things, a feast of wine on the Lees, wine on the Lees well refined. 
Isaiah 25:6-8
"It shall be a mountain of light, he will swallow up death in victory, the lord will wipe away tears from all faces, the reproach of his people shall he take off the earth in Jesus name". 
" no one will return with tears on his face in Jesus name". "This shall be to all of us a mountain of solutions, everyone appointed to death shall be fully liberated in Jesus name". 
That my son was a medical practitioner, he was told not to fly but he did, he came here in 2008, till now he is still strong. " Anyone appointed to death shall be fully liberated in Jesus name". 
When I say 'shiloh 2018' you will say 'I have dominion'...when I say 'I have dominion' you will say 'I take dominion at shiloh 2018'. 
It is one thing to have dominion & another to take it. 
"Everybody is returning with a rod of dominion in Jesus name". 
He says 'you shall have whatever you say'. 
Mark 9:23
" Whatever you take from here will live with you for life in Jesus name". 
I saw that he bore my sicknesses & carried my pains. Matthew 8:17
I saw he did so I took & I took it July 1979 & I am still in command today. I have dominion over this body, this body responds to my command - what I say to it it obeys. "In the name of Jesus whatever you truly take from this place will live with you for life in Jesus name". 

The lord asked me to offer this warning to everyone on shiloh ground & in all our various location - every prophetic gathering is two sided. Deuteronomy 30:19
Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 14
Please make a choice for his blessings at shiloh, his curses can be costly!
For anyone who might have been an agent of the devil sent here, this is a dangerous place. Don't tamper with what is not yours. Ecclesiastes 3:14
The lord told me to warn you, please be warned, the curses can be costly!
Don't toy with curses for the curse of the lord is in the house of the thief. Zechariah 5:4


What is Dominion?
*. Dominion can be defined as : being in control of the affairs of life, that was God's mandate for the man that he made. Genesis 1:26-28
*. Having it always the way you want it:
Matthew 8:8-10
He had it the way he wanted it & his servant was made whole. Having the way you want it always is dominion. 
*. It is being in command in one's field of endeavour:
The three hebrew boys were ten times better than their colleagues. Daniel 1:23, 6:3
*. Having authority from on high to reign in life:
He has redeemed us as priests & kings out of every tribe. Revelation 5:9-10
There's no disadvantaged citizen on the earth, his redemption plan & the effect is universal!
No disadvantaged nation! Mark 11:28-30-31
The authority that enthrones us is from heaven! It is not man made so it cannot be man checked - it is from heaven, authority from heaven to reign on the earth. 
Every child of God is a citizen of heaven. Philippians 3:20
We are heavenly citizens on a mission on the earth & our mission is to have dominion over the earth. 
Romans 5:17; Daniel 7:27; psalm 110:1-3
Jesus won't come until his enemies are made his footstool!
Zion means the church of Christ. 
If we are in the last days & Jesus is on his way coming then the church of the last day is ordained to have dominion over the earth. The church is not a building but a people. Every member of the body of Christ is to have dominion. 
We serve a God of times & season who makes all things beautiful in his time. Ecclesiastes 11:3
Let me speak this to all of us who are here all the powerful sons & daughter's causing waves in ministry around the world - we are not smarter than those before us we are only called in this colourful time when God has called to glorify his church. We are just called to what he is doing. The people we met in ministry were great warriors, praying & fasting. I came to church to seeing people in cars with lights back then, there was no light or car, we were in the forest. 
God is doing what he is doing in his time. He makes all things beautiful in his time. 
When God spoke about building this tabernacle there was no gathering or convention in this country that had two thousand people. Check history. When you have five hundred people in a convention back then it was that the whole world came. There were no musical equipments then. What has brought all this beauty? God's timing. 
It was his time to build this tabernacle &  he built it, he built it to full it. It is not about capacity or building but the beauty of his timing. 
I'm glad to let you know we are in the last days, the time of the glorification & beautification of the church. "You'll not be left out in Jesus name". 
We are in the time God has come down to glorify his people. 
+. The end time church is ordained a reigning church. 
Isaiah 2:1-4
Authority in the last days shall be domiciled in church, whether anybody is angry or not it doesn't change it. 
It is God's agenda - only a fool stands before a sixteen wheeler trailer & says 'I won't let you go' it will grind him or her to powder. 
Acts 2:17
Last days began in the upper room, you can begin to imagine what time we are in the last days - we are in the end of the last days. 
Revelation will be flowing like a rushing fountain. 
It will be making men & women - people who are made great by God. 
Authority shall be domiciled in the church of the last days, let all people - political gladiators understand this - if the church says no you can't go anywhere, you're wasting your time. 
Authority in the last days in all fields shall be domiciled in the church &  can't be altered by any group or people. 

Please be sensitive to the timings of God -  be sensitive to God's timing. "You are in your season of enthronement, God is conferring authority upon your life at shiloh 2018 in Jesus name". 
God has chosen to establish the dominion of the church in this last days. Psalm 87:1-4-6
Let me quickly do this: WHAT IS ZION?
Hebrews 12:22
You have come to mount zion - zion is the church in prophecy. 
The giants of this end time shall be domiciled in church - giants inall feats of endeavours - all!
The highest himself shall establish her. Psalm 87:5
It is not something you organise, it is by the hand of teh almighty God. 
The same way covenant university has left many universities in the east & west behind. Covenant today is within 3% of the leading universities in the world - it is within the first six hundred amongst the 29000 leading universities. 
" Many men will rise from this shiloh that will be stronger than strong nations in Jesus name". 

Dominion that's God agenda for the end time church. 
We are redeemed for dominion. 
The most notable citizen of the earth shall be found in the church. 
Psalm 87:7
You can get angry if you want, it won't change it. You can be upset, that is good for you. 
The largest & highest employers of labour shall be found in the church. "There are many seated here today that they will number hundred thousand people in your organisation in Jesus name". 

It is one thing to see & another to receive it. What you see is great but it has nothing to offer until it is received. 
You got a seed that is great but until it is planted it has nothing to offer you. We receive it with our heart, we put it to work & begin to walk in the consciousness of it. 
Since the day I found that he will set me up above if I hearken to him, nothing locally moved me since 1984. 
Please see it, receive it in your mind, beleive it with your heart, you declare it with your mouth. 
Your position will never change until you declare what youve found. God cannot confirm what you dont say - you dont say it you don't see it. Put your part of the deal for it to work & walk in the consciousness of it. I cant imagine me called 'sick'. If youre saying it with your mouth youre wasting your time. 
Hebrews 4:2
You've heard so many things, you don't have them because you dont know how to process it. 
You put your part to work - what he says you do it. 2samuel 2:3
You walk in the consciousness of it & be assured that God's integrity is committed. Be confident that God's integrity is committed to perform his word. That was the place Abraham stood - against hope he stood. Romans 4:18
He staggered not but was strong in faith!
Ephesians 5:8
We are redeemed to walk in dominion!
Psalm 74:20
The cheapest way to walk in dominion is to walk in light because the dominion of light of darkness is instant & unquestionable. 
"I see every power of darkness arrayed against your life dismantled tonight in Jesus name". 
" You must take dominion from here over every area of concern in your life in Jesus name". 
God shall be confirming in these last days that the heavens do rule on the earth. Daniel 4: 25-26
How does this apply to you?
Ephesians 2:6 : at redemption we were raised up with him & made to seat in heavenly places, far above. Ephesians 1:22
We are heavenly rulers on the earth. 
Jesus has subjected all things under his feet for the church to reign on the earth & that is where you are. "From today no more torture or afflictions of the powers of hell in your life in Jesus name". 
That was the secret of my authority I found in 1979, that I was seated far above, I receive it with my mind, believe it with my heart & declared with my mount 'how many of you are witches here - stand up' I declared with my mouth, I began to put it to work, walking in the consciousness of it & being fully persuaded that - that is the truth & nothing but the truth, from that time to now, all devil's shiver when I stand, whether they are human devil's or devil - devil's! When I stand & declare my authority they shiver. 
Process it for maximum impact in your life. You receive it with your mind, believe with your heart, declare it with your mouth. 
I said 'I can never be sick' in 1979
Whatever you can't say boldly you've not believed heartily. Matthew 12:34
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 
Let the word of God dwell richly in your heart & you'll be saying it. 
I saw myself in a coffin in the night & I say poor devil, no body sees himself in a coffin & stays there. 
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whatever you declare & believes works. 
A lion doesnt become a goat when sleeping. Even the sleeping state of a lion scares other animals. Even when the lion is genuinely snoring they will say he is pretending. 
Even in the sleep - "Somebody is breaking forth tonight in Jesus name". 
If you just take that processing line on every truth you've found forget the devil. Hebrews 1:3
He uphold all things by the word of his power -  that is where your dominion lies. 
" The things you used to fear will begin to fear you from now in Jesus name". 
Isaiah 14: 24-25
God has decided to give dominion to the end time church & no one can disannul it. 
"Anything resisting your dominion on the earth God shall break it in Jesus name". 
God has determined to establish the dominion of the end time church let every asyrian be aware - he will break your head for nothing. A time will come when the church says 'die, they will die, - run mad & they will run mad'. 
Some fellows ran into our church old church, first thing they brought the first mad man, they brought him I wanted to pray, God says stop - you told me to do it, they brought in the second one etc!
That's the authority of the end time church, it is not clapping &  shouting. 
" Africa shall be delivered in Jesus name". 
"Nigeria shall be delivered in Jesus name". 
" Every occultic power holding sway on the nations of Africa shall be messed up this year in Jesus name". 

According to biblical prophecy, chutches like nations shall continue to rise in these last days. Zechariah 8:22
Churches have become like nations. 
The manifestation of God's glory amongst the church shall humble the nations. 
They will say 'let's go there & learn'. Do yoiu know something? Canaanland has not suffered power outrage for 20 years - since 1999 & we are not owing anybody. Yes our church started in 1983 but our ministry started in 1981; never borrowed but managed the little to make it sufficient. No specialist offering raiser, no prophetic offering raising. 
I'm telling you how things can work with dignity walking with Jesus. 
Churches will become global pacesetters. The doing of the church shall humble the church. 
They will come. Why are they paying all their staffs? Why are their universities working? Are we not in the same country? No we are living in different realms. "No one here will miss out of this glory wave in Jesus name". 
" men & women like nations shall begin to rise in the body of Christ in this last days in Jesus name". 
Genesis 12:2, by chapter thirteen Abraham had an army, when he heard his brother inlaw was taken, he took his army & conquered the army of another nation & took back his brother. Genesis 14:15
"Men like nations are rising in Jesus name". 
Isaiah 60:22
A little one shall become a strong nation. " personalities shall rise from the church who's impact will be felt in nations, they will sponsoring events on the earth in Jesus name". 
In case you're bothered about churches becoming nations you're going to be more bothered. 
"God has ordained that you'll be listen as one of the men as nations in Jesus name". 
Not all men can receive this saying... Matthew 19:11
There are many things you don't receive because it isnt given to you. 
I saw something in my bible 'I will stir up jealous because of you' I saw it in my bible & I believed it. 
When people are talking anyhow like they hate me, they are just jealous. 
I believed it when nothing around me changed it. 
All the revival waves in America has not produced this crowd in America history - I want to give God the glory. I am a student of Christian history. We didn't do this, God did it, he is no respecter of nations. 
God is looking for a man who will receive, believe & be fully assured. 
' Tonight God will stamp the seal of dominion on your head in Jesus name". 
' I receive it with my mind, I believe it with my heart, I will declare it with my mouth, I am fully persuaded with it & will walk in the assurance of it'. 
Obadiah 1:21
The truth tonight is " God is changing somebody's story tonight in Jesus name". 

As darkness continues to cover the earth & gross darkness the people the church will manifest as the light of the world. Matthew 5:14
The world is a world of darkness. Isaiah 60:1-2

"I decree your unimpeded access to the light of heaven in Jesus name". Isaiah 59: 14-15
That is the state of the world today - you rarely can locate the truth. We live in a world of classical deception. 
2timothy 3:15
The church is the pillar of turth. 
The place of the church in this endtime where in a world of falsehood, lies of all kinds, we have plenty of that in our country here, somebody tells you something you better not run with it. 
The church is the pillar & ground of truth. You won't find the truth anywhere now except in the church. 
John 8:32
"Your oppression is over & affliction is over, everything standing against your promised land clears off tonight in Jesus name". 

This is where dominion begins :
Know that one cannot Dominate in life that one must Dominate his life before he can Dominate his world. Jesus became the first gotten of the father before he brought many other sons to glory. Hebews 1:6
Until one is rescued he can't rescue others. Obadiah 1: 17-21
We must be out to remove the beam in our eyes before moving to remove the mot from other people. Mark 7:6
It begins with you dominion begins with you dominating the issues of your life!
I had these series of encounters that may help interprete this : 1979 I had an encounter with Ephesians 1:21, 6
That helped reposition me with authority over principalities &  powers. He was going to send me to liberate the world so he had to liberate me first. You can't get someone out of a pit you're in, you must first come out. 
One of the afflictions of the devil is sickness. He connected me with 'he took my infirmities' he was going to send me to heal the sick so he had to heal me first. 
You must first Dominate the issue of your life before you Dominate your world. 
That my son is eight years now that he is free from that dilapidated heart condition. 
You must first Dominate your issues before you Dominate your world. Luke 4:23
"Whatever remains to be dominated in your life is dominated today in Jesus name". 
Romans 4:19
Stop considering anybody's opinion, Abraham didn't consider his own body. He considered only the word & Isaac came. " your Isaac must come in Jesus name". 
"Every oppression of the devil must end in your life tonight in Jesus name". 
Can you imagine the devil oppressing people in heaven? No - where are seated? In heavenly places.   
Oppression of the devil is illegal where you are. Spirit husband or wife, spells & enchantments are illegal!
Where are you seated now? Heavenly places. 
Can you imagine terminal diseases & casual diseases in heavenly places? No - those are illegal oppressions. 
" You are free tonight in Jesus name". 

You can never Dominate what you will not despise!
We were in a crusade, in 1978 where a mad man who was delivered became mad again, people were trying to hold him down, I said leave him, I pointed one scripture to him Jude 1:6. All the devil's left!
You can't Dominate what you don't despise. 
You despise by the word of God. Can I have your 'amen'. 
You have high blood pressure 'not me'...check it you & who?
It went back to where it came from, I never took the medication. 
You can never Dominate what you don't despise. There's nothing with the devil, all the power belongs to Jesus. The devil has no power, has devises, subtlety & tricks - he has no power. Romans 13:1
There's no power but of God. Tell every occultic man or witch 'there's no power but of God'. 
Please take it seriously!
Somebody had been in & out of sickness, he came to church, he heard me say, I can never be sick, back in 2007, he came again & heard me, he said I don't know scriptures but me too cannot be sick - he testified last week - he has stayed so long in health. 
We have this young girl, elder Ogundipe can you come 'she's 80 years young'. Here she comes - 80 years young!
Can't you see the beauty of the lord. She celebrated her eightieth year in July. For nineteen years Sh doesn't know how headache feels. The doctors she used to go to came to look for her & said we have not been seeing you. Eighteen years no sickness! She is still serving in the CCU where you need energy to move at the age of eighty plus "when you are eighty you will look stronger, you will still be serving God in Jesus name". 
Nobody is deceiving anybody here - this is eighty years. " your dominion over sickness & diseases is established today in Jesus name". "Because your eyes have seen it, your mind has received it, your heart has believed it, it will also happen to you in Jesus name". 

One day the word of the lord appears to me 'my son David my prosperity plan is a covenant, until your part is played I am not committed' I received it with my mind, believed it with my heart, declared it with my mouth, I began to walk in the consciousness of it. 
You can't make me think poor no matter what you do. Being fully assured. One thing tormenting the devil about my life is 'this man, where is he getting it from? Go & ask God. 
I don't share any booth from any government -  I have a clear conscience. I am blessed - I am jealously blessed!  Can I tell you this, I am rich, I am dangerously wealthy. My soul shall make her boast in the lord. Psalm 34:2
Whatever I wanted comes - that is what they call wealth!
You have seen many things but you've not received many - you need to receive it with your mind. According to scriptures Joel 2:2
The land before us shall be a garden behind us a desert. 
"In the name of Jesus the siege of poverty is over in your life today". That was 1982, that is how to take dominion over the affairs of your life. God tells you what is available -  you receive it with your mind, believe it with your mouth, declare it with your mouth, begin to walk in the reality of it & be assured of it. 
The woes of many Christian is their eyes are not single!
They look to God in the morning &  other sources at night. 
Anytime you're looking up to man never claim to be looking up to me. " shame must end in your life tonight in Jesus name". 
"Keep your eyes only on God". 
Psalm 121:1, 34:5, 
Keep your eyes on Jesus. 
Pastors don't keep your eyes on members of the church, keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus & you'll never know shame. 
From the age of twenty you're absolutely responsible for your actions. 
Numbers 1:3
From the age of twenty you're responsible for your life. The mother Eagle pushes the baby Eagle. The lion also has their gestation period. Go & find your own. 
Anything you add to Jesus will frustrate your life. Psalm 16:4
Oppression makes the wise man foolish. Don't let your troubles push you to the devil, it will make your matters worst. 
James 1:7
God doesn't need you & me for anything, we need him for everything. He is I am that I am. You go - I am, you come - I am!
If you'll fix your life to Jesus on whatever issues concern you at shiloh I can assure you, you'll not return ashamed. 

These were some of the insights the holy ghost gave me to secure my life. I have dominion over this body. I went to a house fellowship -  I asked them for a restroom to ease myself, they said no - I have to go somewhere, I told them let's go for the meeting, it was two hours & I was reminded later about my wanting to go to the restroom - I tell my body what to do, I have dominion over it. 

"Nothing will destroy your dominion over your body in Jesus name". 

We heard of a humbling testimony in auchi, a young man died, the house fellowship leader & the boys siblings, started praying kingdom advancement prayers...he went to the mortuary, he asked for the dead boy, who had already been embalmed &  said 'Jesus Christ Bishop Oyedepo serves is here' the boy rose up!
" death will be humiliated this end time in Jesus name". 
John 5:25
That young man said 'Jesus Christ is here - rise up'.   
Everybody gave their life to Christ - the dead came back after embalming. "Whatever closed case came with you shall be opened tonight in Jesus name". 

This is the conclusion:
Any truth that has been revealed to you tonight which you've received in your mind, believed in your heart, unashamed to declare openly & boldly, you begin to walk in " shall become a reality in your life in Jesus name". 

"No matter who you are & where you are tonight - God's purpose for bringing you here shall begin to find expression in Jesus name". 
March 1985, I was concerned about the state of the church, why it wasn't growing, we entered into a fast, he took me out & showed me a thick dark cloud misinterpreting what I am doing here, he told me what to do, he showed me other three things to do - I began to see me ministering to multitudes. Back then I said don't think I am mad - I am speaking to thousands. 

No matter what church building, the capacity we build people will be outside - I saw it. " I pray that you won't toy with any truth again in your life in Jesus name". "This shiloh will mark the end of every stagnation & frustration in your life in Jesus name".   

Dominating your world begins with dominating the issues of your life & being in command. 

The moment you see the littleness of the devil your fear is gone. 
Only one who has lost his mind is afraid of sleeping because of lizards. 

" Everything threatening your life comes to an end tonight in Jesus name". "You won't smell failure again in Jesus name". 

" You won't suffer frustration &  stagnation again, your dominion will be established in your field of endeavour, wherever you are found you will be tops there in Jesus name". 

The foundation to our dominion is salvation. 

Dominion is part of our heritage in Christ but one must be born again before he can have heritage with God. You can have an inheritance in a family you're not born in. Daniel 7:27
He has redeemed us as priests & kings to reign on the earth salvation is an experience. 
I will be fifty years in the faith next February -  I have never checked with any devil for any solutions in my life. No help me to see because I am blind. I have never sought for any help outside Jesus!
New birth makes you an overcomer. 

"The contention of the devil over your body is over tonight in Jesus name". 
The bible says 'satan contended for the body of Moses' he hasn't changed, he is still contending. "Whatever doesn’t glorify God in your body drops off tonight in Jesus name". Say with me 'I was bought with a price, I must glorify God in my body & spirit. 
If you truly believe god has purchased something for you - you take it. 
This is what the lord told me " tonight whatever does not glorify God in your body gives way in Jesus name". Isaiah 49:25

Where you are take dominion over your body!
'I have been bought with a price my body & spirit must glorify God'. 

By redemption you're seated together with Christ in heavenly places. Ephesians 1:21

Say with me 'I have been redeemed &  seated with Christ in heavenly places for above the forces that operate on this earth, beneath, therefore by redemption I'm ordained to be far above oppression'. 
Pray...'satan take your hand of my affairs, my body, my family, my finances, my business, my relationship'. 

"As the lord lives when you are 80 to you will be basking in strength in Jesus name". 

©  Shiloh  2018


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