Documented Testimonies: Wednesday, 12th December, 2018


I want to thank God for what he did in and my life. I was at Shiloh last year when a lady came out to give a testimony of how she gave around 24 million as her Shiloh sacrifice and was able to send her siblings abroad to school and do many things for her family. 

I said in my heart, one day I would give like her but at the moment, I only had two priced possession -My laptop and my phone and I was looking for a job. 

I decided in my heart to give up my laptop as my Shiloh sacrifice, so I can at least use the phone to continue my search. 

In the month of February, I was called to come and start training and after the training, it was successful and am a full staff. Praise the Lord. 

- Oluwatobi O. 


For about 23 years, I have suffered stagnation and financial torments. All these years I have done all manners of trading, learning, and so on, but to no avail.

It all started about 23 years ago, when my aunty appeared to me in a dream, blaming me that I have spoiled a lot of things in my grand-father’s compound. Again, my cousin appeared advising me to plead for mercy from that my aunty. Things became really bad for me. Any business I started scattered mysteriously. 

Again, my menstrual cycle stopped three years ago. I wonder if it was menopause even though I was too young for that. Again, marriage did not work for me. 

I decided to attend the breaking generational curses class at Shiloh 2017 yesterday (6/12/17). There I was prayed for and anointed. Immediately, I felt like urinating. When I went to the toilet, Lo and Behold, it was my menstrual flow being restored. 

This, marks of my total deliverance and restoration. 

Thank you, Jesus. 

-Comfort Amos


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