DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES: Monday, 17th December, 2018

Miracle Babies without Menstruation or Ovulation!

“I was diagnosed with hormonal imbalance and polycystic ovary (a condition in which a woman's levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance, and that could lead to ovarian cysts). 

In 2013, my faith came alive when I realized the amount of money spent on me after visiting five hospitals to no avail. Thereafter, my husband and I attended Shiloh 2013 fasting. 

We also attended the Fathers and Mothers of Nations specialized session where Pastor David Oyedepo (Jnr.) ministered from Acts 26:8. He then instructed us to spread out baby items and write the names of our babies. Immediately, I wrote the names of two babies –a boy and a girl. Furthermore, when Shiloh sacrifice was announced, I gave all my gold jewelries and my husband gave half of what was in his bank account.  

Miraculously, two weeks after that Shiloh, I was confirmed pregnant. When I got to the hospital, the professor there said that it was medically impossible for me to be pregnant because I don’t menstruate or ovulate. But my baby boy – Osemuime was born. Amazingly, when he was a year old, I got pregnant again while ‘on the go’ for Jesus, without menstruating or ovulating. 

Before now, I asked God for two babies; today, I have the second one –Tamara Esther.

 I give all the glory to the God of Shiloh!” 

---Olutosin Ikpehae

No More Lying, Womanizing… & Divine Visitation! 

“I am an automobile electrician.  There is no way we would do any job without telling lies. We always inflated the prices of things bought. Also, I was a womanizer. 

Last Sunday, after hearing the message on consecration from the Bishop, I couldn’t get up from my seat to walk home. He said, ‘If you have all those useless things of the world in your house, throw them away.’ Furthermore, he said, ‘If you are in a place where evil is done, but you don’t join them, you also partake in the curse that befalls them.’ 

 On getting home, I gathered all the useless pornographic pictures in my house and tore them all. Then I said, ‘God, I need a change.  I want to live a holy life.’ So, I quit my place of work, where I used to lie and inflate prices of goods. As I started looking for another job, and God showed up!

It wasn’t long when a relation of mine met me and said they had been looking for me for many days.  I told him I was no longer working, that I was looking for another job, because I wanted to live a holy life. He said plans have been concluded to buy me a new bus! I am taking delivery of the bus tomorrow. 

I thank Jesus!”  

— Ezekiel, S.


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