DOCUMENTED TESTIMONIES for Monday, 19th November, 2018


 Miracle Job Through High Praise Dance
I lost my job in June after working for 19 years. With our terminal benefits not yet paid, life became terribly tough for me and my family. All effort to get another job failed. On Wednesday, in a Mid- week service, the bishop said some people were too cold to respond to activities in the church, including dancing. 

I then decided to dance my dance with all passion and energy in me during high praise session. So, I really had a wonderful ‘’double’’ dance.Just as we were about to sit down after the joyful praise, someone tapped my shoulder and said he wanted to see me immediately

When we got outside, he said a company asked him to find someone for them for the post of HR/Admin Manager. Two days later, I was scheduled to meet with the MD, and was given my offer letter and I have since resumed with them. 

I return glory unto our God, The Restorer! 


Foot Bone Curve Straightened
I was diagnosed with foot bone curve. It shut me out of career. I depended on Dunlop or foam shoe to walk. I was dejected and tired in my spirit. I refused surgical operation because the doctor told me I will never be able to play soccer again after the surgery. I could not endure the pains, I was introduced to another French doctor, he prescribed an injection to ease my pains, but he said, it will only last for 6 months; definitely, I must come back for another injection. When the sixth months elapsed, I started feeling pains and discomfort in my foot. 

Papa declared for high praise with labor dance, I was moved in my spirit to dance despite the excruciating foot pains. I engaged in a madman dance with one and half foot, the sweat from my body that drop to the floor was enough to bath a small baby.

A week later, I discovered that I can put my foot on the ground without Dunlop shoe. I can run with no more pains. I started training without any pain relieved medication. 

I had waited for months to see if my foot curve only hides, but halleluiah to God of my father Bishop Oyedepo, the foot curve straightened back. Doctor gave me 6-month pain reliever, God gave me instant healing forever. 

It is two years after, I am still fit. 


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